Sunday, January 26, 2020
Dysbiosis and the Risk of Developing Mental Disorders
Dysbiosis and the Risk of Developing Mental Disorders Topic: Dysbiosis increases the risk of developing mental disorders   Dysbiosis is recognized as a microbial imbalance on or inside the body like a damaged microbiota. It is the most generally known in gastrointestinal tract but also can take place everywhere with a defined mucous membrane such as skin flora and gut flora. The potential causes of dysbiosis are mainly induced from contaminated food or water and improper antibiotics dosage. For instance, taking antibiotics kills the sensitive bacteria but the resistant germs can also be left to grow and breed. There is significant information to show the dysbiosis of the gut microbiota is connected with the pathogenesis of extra intestinal disorders. The roles of gut microbiome in establishing brain development and neurological function, and the mechanisms that the gut microbiotic of dysbiosis contributing to two example of mental health disorders, depression and Irritable bowel syndrome are outlined. Figure 1. The bidirectional communication system between CNS and the gastrointestinal tract (Gut-Brain-Axis). The brain is able to influence the intestinal microbiota while the microbiota is capable to affect the brain development and functions, resulting in mental disorders. The gut microbiota correlates with central nervous system which is vital for the brain development and functions. The bidirectional communication system between CNS and the gastrointestinal tract is called Gut-Brain Axis since the CNS is capable of constantly altering the gut permeability, microbiota configuration and secretion via the initiation of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis [7]. Moreover, Gut-brain-Axis is responsible to coordinate gut actions in order to associate the emotional centres of the brain with external intestinal functions like immune initiation, intestinal permeability and entero-endocrine signalling. Furthermore, the gut microbiota is involved in maintaining an equilibrium of homeostasis and providing protection against outer pathogens by activating the integration of defensive mucus lining of the gut epithelial cells. When the microbial gut is lake of balance, dysbiosis would be occurred and inflammation is prompted by intestinal permeability change and damaged gut barrier with the access of external antigens such as toxins, microorganisms and gluten to the interior. Additionally, a number of pathogens of diseases are expressed to interrupt the epithelial tight junctions to increase the intestinal permeability and lead to leaky gut so as to launch autoimmunological responses and induce neurological disorders like the depressive-like behaviours by altering gut microbiota composition. Firstly, an example of the mental health disorder is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) which is known as depression by minimum two weeks of low mood followed with declining of self-esteem. Depression-like alternations is examined in germ-free mice and indicated that the increased density of pro-inflammatory cytokines which is expressed in MDD 46 is resulted from the linkage with gut microbiome. Moreover, concentrations of serum antibodies countered to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from gram-negative enterobacteria are greater in patients with MDD than in control individuals 51. Thus, it would induce stress-related disorders by increasing gut permeability and bacterial translocation 22, 52. Also, the altered microbiota configuration is suggested to promote depressive states and dysbiosis. Figure 2. The comparison of a healthy gut and a leaky gut. Under homeostasis, the intestinal epithelial linked with the tight function to inhibit gut microorganisms, food particles etc. to go across the barrier. There is normal intestinal permeability and intact intestinal barrier. When a leaky gut is occurred, the barrier is damaged and increase the intestinal permeability, allowing the undesired passage for the pathogen, gluten, casein etc, which can induce an inflammation and results in mental disorders. The major neuroendocrine mechanism in human is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activation of this axis stimulate various psychological stressors [130]. Additionally, the cells transfer the signaling molecules into gut lumen in the lamina propria which is under the regulation of the CNS, resulting in alternations in gastrointestinal motility and secretion and also the intestinal permeability in order to change the GIT system in which the bacteria existed in [2]. The mechanism of MDD linked with microbiota is evaluated by comparing the healthy gut and the gut with disease. From figure 2, the intestinal epithelium which is the largest mucosal surface in human body. It is used to provide an inhibition between the host and the environment and it is crucial in establishing the equilibrium of the organism with healthy condition. Under a healthy state, the intestinal epithelial associated with the tight function which prevent the undigested food particles from passing through and the absorptive cells fit close together with the mucus layer which can significantly act as a barrier to bacteria and antigens from outside. The reign of symbiotic microbiota, an intestinal barrier integrity is maintained and used to control pathobiont overgrowth inside the intestinal area and the function of a healthy gut establish the symbiotic relationship between CNS and gut microbiota. However, in the condition of pathological stress or disease, the epithelial barrier is damaged and the gaps between the cells are wider which leads to the increase of the intestinal permeability. Intestinal dysbiosis can negatively affect gut physiology causing improper brain-gut axis signalling and leading effects for CNS functions and disease conditions. Furthermore, stress linked with CNS can also influence gut function and contribute distress of the microbiota. An alternation in the balance of symbionts and pathobionts leads to pathobiont overgrowth and results in dysbiosis, allowing the channel for the translocation of pathological bacteria across the mucosal lining to sites where gives rise to the activation of an immune response recognized by increasing production of peripheral pro-inflammatory mediators and eventually the CNS, inflammation is initiated. When the inflammatory activity is launched, macrophages leads to pathogenesis through unsuitable responses to enteric microbial activation, incapable elimination of microbes from host organisms, defective pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory responses and also deficit of barriers role. This contributes to the greater translocation of pathogenic bacterial constituent from the intestinal mucosa to the systemic circuits where they can stimulate innate immunity and generate pro-inflammatory cytokines, causing the systemic inflammation with an abnormal gut. Therefore, a leaky gut or impaired intestinal permeability is associated the GI dysfunction and the impaired CNS function to induce psychiatric disorders such as depression. The mechanism shows that depression affect the composition and stability of gut microbiota and also the bidirectional communication between microbiota and the CNS arouse stress reactions. Figure 3. Pathways involved in communication between the gut microbiota and the brain including cortisol, cytokines, vagus and enteric nervous system. The brain requires theses pathways to alter the composition of gut microbiota with the state of stress-related disorders. The HPA axis control cortisol secretion and cortisol influence immune cells involving cytokine secretion. Cortisol changes gut permeability and barrier function and hence alter the gut microbiota composition. Moreover, the gut microbiota and probiotics can change the concentrations of circulating cytokines and this affects brain functions. The vagus nerve and regulation of tryptophan contribute to the influence of the gut microbiota to the brain. Also, SCFAs are neuroactive bacteria metabolites that regulate brain and behaviour. Secondly, another example of mental disorder is Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a stress-related disorder linked with Gut-Brain- Axis in order to alter gut microbiota characterization (Carroll et al., 2011) and increase intestinal permeability (Dunlop et al., 2006). Moreover, depression or anxiety anticipate IBS symptoms in the high frequency of patients and psychological characterization incline earlier healthy people to cause IBS after gastroenteritis.[27][28] (Singh et al., 2012). These stress responses in the body associate with the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system to perform abnormally in IBS patients. It has a similar mechanism to the MDD and also adapt the HPA axis which modulate cortisol secretion and the cortisol influence immune cells involving cytokine secretion. Cortisol can alter gut permeability and permit bacteria or bacterial antigens to go through the epithelial barrier and this leads to mucosal immune response stimulated which can change the microbiome composition 131]. It is also indicated that a subtle impact on bacterial flora giving rise to greater adhesion and bacterial translocation owing to higher barrier permeability. Significantly, chronic stress damages the intestinal barrier, causing it leaky and raising the circulating level of immune modulator which is the element of bacterial cell wall called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [134]. LPS transposition can switch on the inherited immune system and advancement of inflammatory actions to generate an autoimmune reaction such as the stress-related disorders. Additionally, the mechanism involves several molecules in the brain-gut-microbiota axis to induce physiological functions. The tryptophan metabolism is affected to brain function regulation which is induced by the gut microbiota (reviewed by OMahony ). Additionally, tryptophan is a crucial amino acid which is used to go through the blood brain barrier and involve in serotonin synthesis when the tryptophan is consumed from the gut. Furthermore, in the condition of pathogenic microbial infections in the gut, this pathway is triggered and the tryptophan from the body stock is depleted. Hence, this causes the deficiency of serotonin supply and result in IBS. Besides, the Short Chain Fatty Acids are known as butyrate, acetate, and propionate which act as signalling molecules and possess immunomodulatory characteristics. They cooperate with nerve cells by activating the sympathetic and autonomic nervous system through G-protein-coupled receptors.195 Furthermore, they can go across the Blood brain barrier to modulate brain development and behaviour19 6, 197, 198 in order to establish the IBS development.199 Besides, the serotonin, 5-HT, is a signalling molecule in the brain-gut-microbiota axis to regulate the intestinal permeability and use to stimulate sensory nerve to signal the CNS. Hence, this pathway involving different signalling molecules correlated with microbiota and initiated the leaky gut is significantly increase the risk of developing neurological disorder by dysbiosis. In conclusion, dysbiosis increases the risk of developing mental disorders such as the Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Both disorders linked with microbiota and require the similar pathways. Dysbiosis with an impaired microbiota correlated with the CNS significantly. The Gut-brain-Axis is responsible to coordinate gut actions and deliver the stress response to the brain by the HPA axis in order to increase the intestinal permeability and damage the intestinal barrier. Followed by several signalling molecules such as tryptophan, 5-HT and SCFAs, the resulted leaky gut and alternation in microbiota composition would contribute to the depressive like behaviours and other neurological disorders. For the future perspective, the mental illness induced by the dysbiosis with altered microbiota can be monitored with appropriate probiotic supplementation and change of metabolomics condition in order to influence the essential changes with both gastrointestina l and neurological significance. References:
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Marketing Nestle
Nestlà © Purina Pet Care Company (NPPC) has been in existence for 115 years. Nestle’ is a pioneer in pet food and the North American market leader and has consistently demonstrated solid financial results. In 2010 Nestle’ Purina Pet Care Co. or (NPPC) were the proud recipients of the Malcolm Bridge Award.Companies who are honored with this award are achievers of pure performance excellence. The president of the United States presents the Malcolm Bridge award to companies who have demonstrated quality management and therefore they are recognized in an effort raise the awareness of excellence within our business world (, 2013).What marketing elements did NPPC utilize as possible contributors to receiving such an honor? The product mix of this company is diverse and includes a product line consisting of items for both cats and dogs. The width of the product mix includes; dry dog food, wet dog food, dog treats, dog litter, dog training pads, dry cat food, wet cat fo od, cat treats and kitty litter (, 2013).The second part to the product mix is the depth. According to Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, â€Å"the product line depth is the number of product items in a product line†(2012, pg. 159). NPPC offers eleven products in the cat product line and thirteen products in the dog line. Together these make a good product mix.NCCP also has some major elements in their brand name, some of which are very familiar for those who have pets. The brand names include those such as Purina Alpo, Purina One, Purina Dog Chow, Friskies, Tidy Cats and Fancy Feast to name a few. The major elements of this brand would be the push for healthy pet food which in turn makes a healthy pet, all the while offering nutrition and making both the owner and the pet happy.In order to create a happy customer there are service characteristics that must be met. NPPC offers several. To mention a few let’s begin with the some of the most important service characteri stics. One critical intangible service would include NPPC’s quality. They provide large volumes of their products with a proven track record of consistently high quality and very limited defects or issues. NCCP also creates customer loyalty, healthier pets and longevity by providing a quality product (, 2010).Along with quality NCCP offers excellent customer service and provides dedicated service teams to insure this service is maintained. Ethics would be another intangible service possessed and research is done to ensure cat and dogs are always treated humane. NCCP participates in a formal ethics program and stays involved in the community. They are also listed as a best place to work (, 2010).Finally, the dedication to service quality is proven by five different components. The first of which is reliability. NPPC is labeled a most trusted pet care company and strive to earn to more every day by being reliable (, 2010). R esponsiveness and providing prompt service is measured continually and new innovation and new product development has helped continuous improvement in this area (, 2010).Assurance has been achieved by proving that NPPC cares about the costumers and their pets. The ethical research done to ensure the nutritional values of each and every product speaks volumes (, 2010).Empathy is very high on the list of ser quality objectives. This is proven by the massive research, surveys and studies done to make sure each customer has a voice and each pet gets the personal attention they need to have a long and prosperous life. The knowledge of the customers, pets and retailers is unparalleled (, 2010).Last but not least are the tangibles. The manufacturing and distribution of NPPC products are an example of a tangible service that is performed with excellence and technology of equipment and supplies are updated consistently and held at very hi gh standards. The customer service reps are also held to standards and treat each retailer, customer and pet with the very highest regards at all times. It is very apparent looking at the track record of NPPC, why they received the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Every element of the company is held to the highest standards possible and the care and attention provided to their customers is phenomenal. Many companies could learn some valuable lessons by looking at the achievers of this highly honored award.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Explanation of the Multistep Synthesis of Benzilic Acid Essay
The synthesis of several complex organic compounds follows a multistep synthesis. â€Å"Multistep synthesis†refers to the procedure in which the product of one reaction serves as the starting material in the subsequent reaction. The multistep synthesis of benzilic acid begins with a conversion benzaldehyde to benzoin through a condensation reaction. The benzoin then oxidizes into benzil, which undergoes rearrangement to give benzilic acid. Benzoin Synthesis * When two benzaldehyde molecules condense in the presence of thiamine, it leads to the formation of a molecule of benzoin. The thiamine behaves as a coenzyme catalyst. This step of the reaction involves the addition of ethanol and sodium hydroxide into an aqueous solution of thiamine hydrochloride and creating a reaction with pure benzaldehyde. When you heat this mixture to a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for about 90 minutes and then cool it in an ice bath, the benzoin crystallizes out. Recrystallization of these crystals from hot ethanol yields pure benzoin as a colorless powder. Benzil Synthesis * Benzoin undergoes oxidation in the presence of a mild oxidizing agent such as nitric acid to produce the alpha diketone known as benzil. When you heat benzoin with concentrated nitric acid using a reflux condenser, evolution of reddish brown nitrogen dioxide occurs and then stops. When you add cold water to the cooled reaction mixture, benzil precipitates out as a yellow solid. You can then recrystallize this substance from hot ethanol. 1. Benzilic Acid Synthesis * When you reflux a solution of benzil in ethyl alcohol with potassium hydroxide for 15 minutes and then cool it, it forms the carboxylate salt potassium benzilate. When you dissolve this salt in hot water in an Erlenmeyer flask and add hydrochloric acid to bring the pH down to 2, the salt becomes acidified to yield benzilic acid. Precautions * During the conversion of benzaldehyde to benzoin, you must maintain temperatures below 65 degrees Celsius to obtain benzoin. Take care when refluxing benzoin with nitric acid; the nitrogen dioxide fumes are extremely toxic and can cause lung damage. During the conversion of benzoin to benzil, some benzoin may remain unoxidized. Prevent this scenario by creating a reaction of an ethanolic solution of the benzil with 10 percent sodium hydroxide solution; if benzoin is present, a purple color develops.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1268 Words
â€Å"Her attire, which, indeed, she had wrought for the occasion, in prison†¦seemed to express the attitude of her spirit†(Hawthorne 51). The Scarlet Letter explores the strict relationship between religion and law. By the mid 1630’s many Puritans settled in Boston, Massachusetts, from England. The villages where they settled often included houses, a community garden and a meetinghouse where church services were held. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter utilizes the late 1600’s to reflect on how the church would deal with serious issues including adultery. This raises the question: how does Hawthorne develop characters to express the corruption of the 1600s and the relationship between church and government? Through the developing of key†¦show more content†¦Hester on the other hand is described with the words â€Å"pride†and â€Å"grace†because she faces against her accusation head on. Dimmesdale, who is equally guilty hides and puts on a faà §ade, whereas Hester is punished with her head held high. Hawthorne’s diction when describing Hester helps develop her sense of self. Although Hester in the beginning is ostracized for committing adultery, later in the novel she develops to becoming a person who helps other women in her position. Hawthorne continuously uses the same language when describing Hester because in a way she represents a shift towards the future, that future being Pearl. Hester encompasses a mind-set that surpasses the views of her fellow town’s people, and while this contradicts with everyone else she remains steady in her views. Hester remains a constant aspect in the town. In a sense Hester can be considered an outsider, almost â€Å"savage†to everyone else. Her stance resembles the larger stance between whites and the Native Americans. By using larger contracts such as â€Å"Vagrant Indian whom the white man’s fire-water†¦was to be driven wit h stripes into the shadow of the forest†Hawthorne is comparing Hester’s crime against society to the crime of society against Native Americans (Hawthorne 47). In this way Hawthorne displays irony, since the townspeople believe themselves to be pure, honest and upholding, yet
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