Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Economic Integration Of The Baltic Sea Region Essay Example For Students
Monetary Integration Of The Baltic Sea Region Essay Monetary Integration of the Baltic Sea Regionand the Passenger Traffic IssuesHelsingin YliopistoBaltic CitiesAugust 2000Christopher Dahlstrand and Devon WebsterTable of Contents:I.Introduction2II.Goals of Economic Integration2III.VASAB 20103IV.Oresund versus Helsinki Tallinn Link4V.Aviation Development in Scandinavia7VI.Conclusion10VII.Works Cited11I. IntroductionEconomic incorporation isn't a simple undertaking. This is obviously apparent by its temperament, and significantly more so an issue in the Baltic district where there have been such a significant number of political changes in late history. We have seen the arrangement of three recently re-autonomous states, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. East and West Germany have been brought together to frame another country. The socialist legislatures of the previous Soviet Bloc have been supplanted by vote based system. These progressions have made financial combination increasingly troublesome, yet additionally somewhat progressively fundamental. Europe overall is turning into a monetarily coordinated association, for the most part in the countries of the European Union, however in non-part countries also. Maybe the best case of this marvel of monetary combination is the presentation of a typical European money, the Euro. This more than anything implies the progressions and levels of expanding co-activity between European Union countries. A subsequent model could be the production of a typical exchange zone, with the making of a typical expense base and the abrogation of import-trade charges, and the formation of the basic European market, where business adequately get the chance to regard the whole European Union as one state. Since financial combination has been a significant issue in the new EU, there have been dependable impacts on the Baltic Sea locale. For the reasons for this article, we have decided to inspect the effects of monetary mix in the Baltic area in the transportation segment. This work will l ook at the importance of monetary reconciliation, the VASAB 2010 venture, and two contextual analyses. These examinations will explore aeronautics advancement in Scandinavia and its plausibility, just as the chance of a Helsinki-Tallinn interface like the extension connect opened in Oresund. Financial incorporation is difficult to address completely in a short article, yet ideally this work will in any event address the significant perspectives affecting transportation issues with connection to financial aspects in the Baltic Sea locale. II. Objectives of Economic IntegrationDefinitionEconomic mix can be characterized as a financial partnership or system dependent on co-activity, joint effort, adaptability, adjustment, hazard and cost decrease, shared interests and goals, closeness, transparency, and a dedication between various nations on a coordinating, continuous premise. ExplanationThis rather specialized definition basically implies that monetary coordination is the making of a system of similarly invested states who, together, structure financial objectives and work together to accomplish these objectives. Monetary incorporation can be cultivated dependent upon the situation, or can be a progressing cooperation between countries to upgrade financial conditions over an extensive stretch of time. Maybe it is ideal to clarify with a model: that of the co-activity between Tornio in Finland and Haparanda in Sweden. In this occurrence, these two bordertowns have chosen to co-work on a number if issues to upgrade the personal satisfaction and monetary movement in the area. In view of their co-activity, the two urban areas have profited by improved city-offered types of assistance, which every town all alone would not have had the option to bear. These two urban communities have been fruitful enough in their financial combination that there are currently discusses incorporating the whole area riding the Sea of Bothnia. This district of fruitful financial incorporation can be utilized as a model for different regions, both in Scandinavia and all through the world. Connection of Economic Integration to Land and Air Transportation Economic incorporation and transportation are firmly connected. To be sure, it is hard to have mix of any kind, including monetary, in a region without the capacity to get from one area to the next. On the off chance that a connection is made between to already unlinked zones, there are various financial outcomes. A model course of events is expanded the travel industry at first, trailed by independent venture speculation, and at last the ascent of co-activity in significant tasks. Transportation joins make financial advantages for both of the connected regions, and transportation, in the entirety of its structures, can along these lines be supposed to be a significant factor in making the monetary reconciliation of a region. III. VASAB 2010As a beneficial issue to the bigger subject of this paper, we will talk about VASAB 2010. In August of 1992, agents from national and territorial services of the Baltic Sea Region a nswerable for spatial arranging and improvement met in Karlskorona in Sweden to talk about the eventual fate of spatial advancement for the Region. The result of this summitt was a perpetual co-activity between the legislatures of the Baltic Sea Region in the field of spatial arranging as a program called Visions and Strategies Around the Baltic Sea 2010. (Westerman 169) The program, or vision that is VASAB 2010 in its most essential structure is planned for improving the personal satisfaction in the region of the Baltic Sea. Four additional components establish the core of the program, and give it reason: (Westerman 171)- improvement past monetary development and flourishing,- financial, social and ecological supportability, - opportunity relating to the capacity to pick as per provincial inclinations,- solidarity, sharing advantages from financial turn of events. Since the primary gathering in 1992, the 11 taking an interest nations have met to talk about activity anticipates a standard premise. A rundown of need activities was assembled in 1996, featuring ventures that the VASAB nations settled upon to be generally basic around then. (Westerman 172) Of this rundown, a few of those undertakings have pushed ahead. Pilot ventures concentrating on transport halls in quick creating regions, for example, Tampere-Helsinki-Tallinn-Riga, and the regions encompassing the Trans European Motorway have quickened effectively. The improvement of a vehicle arrange in the Baltic Sea Region has positive and negative impacts on local turn of events. A superior arrangement of transportation would upgrade monetary advancement by expanding portability openings, pulling in capital and improving openness. Simultaneously, too exceptional improvement can risk the conservation of normal assets, untamed life regions and the earth. Consequently, congruity must be looked for between the improvement of passages and the safeguarding of touchy territories. VASAB 2010 perceives that spatial arranging and monetary mix must move its consideration from exclusively the structure of a framework, to the investigation of green regions, safeguarding of assets and characteristic scene, and a methods for accommodating financial advancement with nature and culture. VASAB 2010 is well en route to accomplishing it objectives of coordination and harmony by showing that its projects can be completed, while adjusting monetary improvement with ecologically and socially stable methods for land and water transport that will take the area well into the 21st century. IV. Oresund versus Helsinki-Tallinn LinkThere are three inquiries I present for this segment, which thinks about the as of late opened Oresund-Malmo interface, associating the city and environs of Copenhagen with southern Sweden. These inquiries are: Would a connection like Oresund be required for Helsinki and Tallinn, would it be a commonsense task, and would it be practical (which means would it be a specialized chance)? As we will see, there are numerous similitudes among Copenhagen and Malmo and among Helsinki and Tallinn. For example, the populaces of the areas are astoundingly comparable, with every city pair containing around 1.5 million occupants. Another likeness is that it is foreseen that the Oresund connection will cause 4,015,000 intersections every year, surprisingly near the 5 million that right now utilize the Helsinki-Tallinn joins. (Janos 22) Are these likenesses enough to cause the development of the biggest land interface ever? Is a Link Between Helsinki and Tallinn Needed?This in an intriguing inquiry to posture, and there are unquestionably different sides to this issue. On one hand, we have as much as 5 million Finns and Estonians making the traverse the Gulf of Finland yearly. This would unmistakably show a solid interest for provincial transportation joins. Then again, we need to take a gander at the reasons individuals are making the intersection, and what another connection would mean, or not mean, to them. First lets inspect the issue of the amounts of individuals making the intersection now. Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the freedom of Estonia in 1991, there has been an emotional increment in rush hour gridlock among Finland and Estonia. Up until autonomy, it was very hard to make the intersection without first experiencing a go-between goal, for example, Moscow or St. Petersburg. There have been ships crossing the Gulf of Finland since 1965, be that as it may, the traffic was intensely managed by the Soviet government and was to a great extent constrained to the visitor exchange. (Ruoppila 124) Since the main connection was built up after Estonian re-autonomy, and turned out to be progressively famous, we presently have around 5 million individuals making the intersection yearly. In the just about multi year time span there ha s been an enormous development rate in the intersection. On the off chance that the pattern proceeds, there would be an interest for a type of extension or passage among Helsinki and Tallinn. Be that as it may, one should likewise take a gander at the number of inhabitants in the locale. In Helsinki and Tallinn consolidated, there are around 1,334,000 occupants. For the two nations, the consolidated populace is a little more than 7 million individuals. For there to be up to 5 million intersections yearly, there eithe
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Are Trade Unions still relevant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Are Trade Unions still applicable - Essay Example While worker's guilds have stopped being as forceful as they were before, some of them despite everything figure out how to complete their command today. For example, during aggregate bartering, worker's guilds are very helpful to individual representatives in view of the way that they go about as a go between the representative and the business. An association agent should be available at whatever point there is requirement for aggregate dealing. At the end of the day, worker's organizations and businesses are limited by aggregate understandings which guarantee that the requirements of individual representatives are satisfactorily met. It ought to likewise be noticed that there are some worker's organizations inside the UK that have been exceptionally dynamic in advancing specialists' privileges. One such model is REACH. (Wadsworth, 2007) This Trade Union generally centers around the security of laborer's privileges when managing risky substances or synthetics. Through the endeavors of such an association, it very well may be seen that worker's organizations are as yet required in the working environment. (Low Pay Commission, 2007) Worker's guilds are as yet significant in the UK in light of the fact that the last nation cooperates with such huge numbers of others on the planet, since these nations have distinctive work laws, it is important to guarantee that representative rights are not encroached by those separate people. For instance, the TUC was exceptionally dynamic in battling against the UK based Primark shirt producer. As per the TUC, Primark was sourcing their crude materials from Bangladesh where their provider was utilizing sweatshop work. Through the exercises of this worker's organization, Primark stopped working with that specific provider consequently securing representatives' privileges. (Kent, 2007) How Trade Unions have lost their pertinence Worker's guilds in Britain hushed up valuable in the nineteenth Century on the grounds that around then, ventures were simply coming up. There was a need to set up gauges in the work environment in light of the fact that the economy had not yet been presented to such a sort of course of action. Issues, for example, foundation of wellbeing rules, reasonable working hours, and reasonable wages were top on their plan in light of the fact that most businesses were all the while bending out patterns and examples. Worker's guilds were the voices that guaranteed laborer's privileges were appropriately ensured. This is really the motivation behind why a worker's organization may characterized as a relationship of laborers that is fixated on the need to secure specialist's privileges. Issues, for example, reasonable compensation were all piece of the undertaking to secure their privileges. (Bain, P. and Taylor, 2008) It ought to likewise be noticed that during those occasions, strikes, lock downs, wounds and blood shedding were a typical situation for worker's guilds attempting to battle for laborers' privileges. This really made some of them profoundly disagreeable with managers. England's history is portrayed by enormous strikes that abstract incapacitated certain open frameworks. Probably the best accomplishment made in terms of professional career associations around then was the establishment of lawful components for ensuring laborers' privileges. Through their enthusiastic endeavors, presently directors are responsible to the law after encroaching specialist's privileges to hampering their opportunities. Notwithstanding, the UK work framework has changed definitely in the course of recent years. The steel business, automobile industry, rail industry and numerous others are currently described by conventional working hours. Also, identification approaches have antagonistically improved in the present creation segment. Therefore, worker's organizations are left with little else to do. Their
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment
Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment Basics Print Reactive Attachment Disorder Causes and Treatment By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 08, 2017 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 24, 2019 istockphoto More in Psychology Basics Psychotherapy Student Resources History and Biographies Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Babies bond with adults who provide them with consistent, loving care. They recognize the adults who protect them and calm them when they’re feeling stressed. In most cases, they develop healthy attachments to their primary caregivers, like their parents, daycare provider, or perhaps a grandparent who is very involved. But sometimes, babies struggle to form healthy relationships with a stable adult. Consequently, they may develop reactive attachment disorder, a mental health condition that makes it difficult to form healthy and loving relationships. Causes Reactive attachment disorder may result when children aren’t given proper care by stable and consistent caregivers. If a caregiver doesn’t respond to an infant’s cries or a child isn’t nurtured and loved, he may not develop a healthy attachment. Here are some examples of times when a child may not be able to form a secure attachment to a primary caregiver: A child’s mother is incarcerated off and on. The child resides with various relatives while she is in jail and the baby is never in the same home long enough to form a strong bond with any adults.A mother has depression. Consequently, she struggles to care for her child. She is not responsive to him when he cries and she doesn’t show him much affection.A child is removed from his birth parents and placed in foster care. He lives in several different foster homes over the course of a year. He doesn’t form secure relationships with any caregivers.Two parents have serious substance abuse problems. Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, they aren’t able to provide their child with adequate care.A baby is placed in an orphanage. There are many different caregivers but the baby is rarely held or consoled when she cries. She spends most of her time in a crib.A young mother doesn’t understand child development basics. She lacks the knowledge to care for her child physically and emotionally. The child doesn’t bond with his mother because she isn’t responsive to his needs. Any time there’s a consistent disregard for a child’s emotional or physical needs, a child may be at risk for developing a reactive attachment disorder. A lack of stimulation and affection can also play a role. Symptoms Children with reactive attachment disorder often refuse to follow rules and they may lash out against others with little empathy. But reactive attachment disorder goes beyond behavior problems. In order to qualify for a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder, a child must exhibit a consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers. Children with reactive attachment disorder: Rarely or minimally seek comfort when distressedRarely or minimally respond to comfort when distressed To meet the criteria, they must also exhibit two of the following symptoms: Minimal social and emotional responsiveness to othersLimited positive affectEpisodes of unexplained irritability, sadness, or fearfulness that are evident during non-threatening interactions with adult caregivers In addition to exhibiting those symptoms, the child must also have a history of insufficient care as evidenced by at least one of the following: Changes in primary caregivers that limit the child’s opportunity to form a stable attachmentPersistent lack of emotional warmth and affection from adultsBeing raised in an unusual setting that severely limits a child’s opportunity to form selective attachments (such as an orphanage) The symptoms must be present before the age of 5. And the child must have a developmental age of at least nine months to qualify for a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder. Prevalence of Reactive Attachment Disorder Since reactive attachment disorder is a relatively new diagnosisâ€"and many children go untreated, it’s uncertain how many children may meet the criteria. In 2010, one study found less than 0.4 percent of Danish children had reactive attachment disorder. A 2013 study estimated about 1.4 percent of children living in an impoverished area in the United Kingdom had an attachment disorder. It’s estimated that children in foster careâ€"and those who resided in orphanagesâ€"exhibit much higher rates of reactive attachment disorder. A history of maltreatment and disruptions to a child’s care likely increases the risk. Diagnosis Teachers, daycare providers, and primary caregivers are likely to notice that a child with reactive attachment disorder exhibits emotional and behavioral issues. A thorough examination by a mental health professional can establish whether a child has reactive attachment disorder. An evaluation may include: Direct observation of the child interacting with a caregiverA thorough history of a child’s development and living situationInterviews with the primary caregivers to learn more about parenting stylesObservation of the child’s behavior There are several other conditions that may present with similar emotional or behavioral symptoms. A mental health professional will determine whether a child’s symptoms may be explained by other conditions such as: Adjustment disordersPost-traumatic stress disorderCognitive disabilitiesAutismMood disorders Sometimes, children with reactive attachment disorder experience comorbid conditions. Research shows that children with attachment disorders experience higher rates of ADHD, anxiety disorders, and conduct disorders. The History of the Reactive Attachment Disorder Diagnosis Attachment disorder is a relatively new diagnosis. It was first introduced in 1980. In 1987, two subtypes of reactive attachment disorder were introduced; inhibited and disinhibited. In 2013, the diagnosis was updated again. The DSM-5 refers to the disinhibited type as a separate condition called disinhibited social engagement disorder. Disinhibited social engagement disorder is an attachment disorder that is also caused by a lack of a secure attachment with a caregiverâ€"like reactive attachment disorder. Children with disinhibited social engagement disorder approach and interact with unfamiliar adults without any fear. They are often willing to go off with a stranger without any hesitation. Treatment The first step in treating a child with reactive attachment disorder usually involves ensuring the child is given a loving, caring, and stable environment. Therapy won’t be effective if a child continues moving from foster home to foster home or if he continues living in a residential setting with inconsistent caregivers. Therapy usually involves the child as well as the parent or primary caregiver. The caregiver is educated about reactive attachment disorder and given information about how to build trust and develop a healthy bond. Sometimes, caregivers are encouraged to attend parenting classes to learn how to manage behavior problems. And if the caregiver struggles to provide a child with warmth and affection, parent training may be provided to help a child feel safe and loved. Controversial Therapies That Are Not Recommended In the past, some treatment centers used several controversial therapies for children with reactive attachment disorder. For example, holding therapy involves a therapist or a caregiver physically restraining a child. The child is expected to go through a range of emotions until he eventually stops resisting. Unfortunately, some children have died while being restrained. Another controversial therapy involves rebirthing. During rebirthing, children with reactive attachment disorder are wrapped in blankets and therapists simulate the birthing process by acting as though the child is moving through the birth canal. Rebirthing became illegal in several states after a child suffocated. The American Psychiatric Association and The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry caution against holding therapies and rebirthing techniques. Such techniques are considered pseudoscience and there is no evidence that they reduce the symptoms associated with reactive attachment disorder. If you consider any non-traditional treatments for your child, it’s important to talk to your child’s doctor before beginning treatment. Long-Term Prognosis for Children With Reactive Attachment Disorder Without treatment, a child with reactive attachment disorder may experience ongoing social, emotional, and behavioral problems. And that may put a child at risk for bigger problems as he grows older. Researchers estimate that 52 percent of juvenile offenders have an attachment disorder or borderline attachment disorder. The vast majority of those teens had experienced maltreatment or neglect early in life. Early intervention may be key to helping kids develop healthy attachments earlier in life. And the sooner they receive treatment, the fewer problems they may have over time. How to Reduce the Risk There are several ways in which primary caregivers may be able to reduce the risk that a child will develop reactive attachment disorder. Educate yourself about child development. Learning how to respond to your baby’s cues and how to help reduce your child’s stress can be instrumental in developing a healthy attachment.Provide positive attention. Playing with your baby, reading to her, and cuddling with her can help establish a loving and trusting relationship.Nurture your child. Simple everyday activities, like changing your baby’s diaper and feeding her, are opportunities to bond.Learn about attachment issues. If you are raising a child who has a history of neglect, maltreatment, or caregiver interruptions, educate yourself about attachment issues. Where to Find Help If you have concerns that your child may have an emotional or behavioral disorder, start by talking to your child’s doctor. The pediatrician can evaluate your child and determine whether a referral to a mental health provider is appropriate.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Feminism And The Advocacy For Equal Rights - 1563 Words
Feminism, or the advocacy for equal rights for both women and men, is an important issue with a high relevancy to society today. Kate Chopin was the one of the first feminist American authors, and even if she did not have a direct role in the movement itself, she believed in the core principles of it and wrote feministically in her stories. Kate Chopin’s expressive and realistic style was heavily influenced by her exposure to feminine feelings and experiences throughout her lifetime. Chopin led an average life. From an early age, Chopin was surrounded by many strong, independent women. She grew up around them, and subsequently, her writing was highly influenced by this. As Chopin aged, she did so gracefully, and grew into a social women with adoration for literature and art; however, she was not any ordinary woman. Chopin drank and smoked heavily, much like a man at the time would. Despite this behavior, Chopin eventually married at 20 and had 6 children. However, she was wido wed at thirty two, and she started to write in order to provide for her family (Clark). Intially, her work was looked down upon and considered immoral and innappropriate. It took over 50 years after her death until critics started to praise and value her work, and she was given the honor of being considered as an important feminist author (â€Å"Kate Chopin†). Chopin implicated many themes relating to the realities and veracity of being a woman into her stories, which gave a realistic insight onto both herShow MoreRelatedFeminism And The Reality Behind Feminism Essay913 Words  | 4 Pagesthat men and women are equal in the aspect of social, political, and economic rights. Ironically the respondents agree with what feminism stands for. The confusion is the result of several negative connotations associated with the term. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Wade-Davis Bill and Reconstruction
At the end of the American Civil War, Abraham Lincoln wanted to bring the Confederate states back into the Union as amicably as possible. In fact, he did not even officially recognize them as having seceded from the Union. According to his Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, any Confederate would be pardoned if they swore allegiance to the Constitution and the union except for high-ranking civil and military leaders or those who committed war crimes. In addition, after 10 percent of voters in a Confederate state took the oath and agreed to abolish slavery, the state could elect new congressional representatives and they would be recognized as legitimate. Wade-Davis Bill Opposes Lincolns Plan The Wade-Davis Bill was the Radical Republicans answer to Lincolns Reconstruction plan. It was written by Senator Benjamin Wade and Representative Henry Winter Davis. They felt that Lincolns plan was not strict enough against those who seceded from the Union. In fact, the intention of the Wade-Davis Bill was more to punish than to bring the states back into the fold. The key provisions of the Wade-Davis Bill were the following: Lincoln would be required to appoint a provisional governor for each state. This governor would be responsible for implementing measures set out by Congress to reconstruct and state government. Fifty-percent of the states voters would be required to swear loyalty to the Constitution and the Union before they could even begin creating a new Constitution through the state Constitutional Convention. Only then would they be able to begin the process to be officially be readmitted to the Union. While Lincoln believed that only the military and civilian officials of the Confederacy should not be pardoned, the Wade-Davis Bill stated that not only those officials but also anyone who has voluntarily borne arms against the United States should be denied the right to vote in any election. Slavery would be abolished and methods would be created to protect the liberty of freedmen. Lincolns Pocket Veto The Wade-Davis Bill easily passed both houses of Congress in 1864. It was sent to Lincoln for his signature on July 4, 1864. He chose to use a pocket veto with the bill. In effect, the Constitution gives the president 10 days to review a measure passed by Congress. If they have not signed the bill after this time, it becomes law without his signature. However, if Congress adjourns during the 10-day period, the bill does not become law. Because of the fact that Congress had adjourned, Lincolns pocket veto effectively killed the bill. This infuriated Congress. For his part, President Lincoln stated that he would allow the Southern states to pick which plan they wanted to use as they rejoined the Union. Obviously, his plan was much more forgiving and widely supported. Both Senator Davis and Representative Wade issued a statement in the New York Tribune in August 1864 that accused Lincoln of attempting to secure his future by ensuring that southern voters and electors would support him. In addition, they stated that his use of the pocket veto was akin to take away the power that should rightfully belong to Congress. This letter is now known as the Wade-Davis Manifesto. Radical Republicans Win in the End Sadly, despite Lincolns victory, he would not live long enough to see Reconstruction proceed in the Southern states. Andrew Johnson would take over after Lincolns assassination. He felt that the South needed to be punished more than Lincolns plan would allow. He appointed provisional governors and offered amnesty to those who took an oath of allegiance. He stated that states had to abolish slavery and acknowledge seceding was wrong. However, many Southern States ignored his requests. The Radical Republicans were finally able to get traction and passed a number of amendments and laws to protect the newly freed slaves and force the Southern states to comply with necessary changes.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Human Heart Free Essays
The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage bones, i.e. We will write a custom essay sample on The Human Heart or any similar topic only for you Order Now , in the center of the chest. Usually it is slightly on the left side of the chest but in rare cases, it can be found on the right side. Heart is responsible for the blood flow to every single part of the body by constant contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles. This is the reason why we hear rhythmic beats all the time. Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation. Normally in a minute the heart beats 72 times. Well, let’s check out heart diagram for kids as well as for adults which can help you to understand the functioning of heart better. Parts of the Heart As you can see in the heart diagram, there are many parts in the heart. So, as we discuss the various parts, you keep checking out the parts simultaneously one by one in the given labeled diagram of the human heart. This will help you to understand the part and their functions more easily. Pericardium Human heart is covered by a double layered structure which is called as pericardium. The outer layer is associated with the major blood vessels whereas the inner layer is attached to the cardiac muscles. These layers are separated by a pericardial fluid. This covering is like a membrane which holds all the parts of the heart. Chambers Heart is divided into four chambers which are called as left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle. Atrium are the upper chambers of the heart whereas ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. All these chambers are separated by a tissue layer, called as septum. Left side of the chamber is associated with the circulation of the oxygenated blood and the right side receives the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body. Valves There are four valves in the heart namely bicuspid valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve and aortic valve. They help in preventing the back flow of the blood from one chamber to other. This maintains a proper one directional blood flow through out the process. Bicuspid valve is present between the left atrium and left ventricle whereas tricuspid valve is present between the right atrium and right ventricle. Pulmonary valve behaves as a gate which stops the back flow of blood from right ventricle to the pulmonary artery which takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs for purification. Lastly the aortic valve, this valve plays an important role in stopping the back flow of the blood from left ventricle to the aorta. Once the blood is transferred to the aorta it supplies the oxygenated blood to different parts of the body. Blood Vessels Blood vessels are the blood carriers in a human body. These play a very vital role in the supply of blood to various parts of the body. Blood vessels can be of two types, veins and arteries. All the veins (except pulmonary vein) are involved in carrying the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body to the heart whereas all the arteries (except pulmonary artery) are involved in supplying oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body. Functioning of the Heart After getting familiar with the part let’s check out the functions of the heart. Well, as we all know we need oxygen to survive, but have you ever thought how this oxygen is supplied to different parts of the body? This work is done with the help of heart. Heart plays a very important role in the supply of oxygenated blood in different parts of the body. Deoxygenated blood is collected from various parts of the body and is transferred to heart. The blood enters the heart through the pulmonary valve and enters the right atrium, then it goes to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. From here the blood then goes to the lungs for oxygenation. Oxygenated blood is then brought back to the heart with the help of pulmonary veins and enters the left atrium. The blood then goes to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve and then transferred to the aorta through the aortic valve for further blood circulation to different parts of the body. How to cite The Human Heart, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Business Fine Dining Operations Australia †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Business Fine Dining Operations Australia? Answer: Introducation As found in the process outline, the procedure starts when a client touches base at the restaurant. The restaurant delegate (i.e., assistant or the server) at that point respects the visitors, enters the name of the visitors on the holding up list, and doles out a table for the visitors. A while later, the restaurant faculty or the server escort the clients to the table and hence take the request. In the wake of taking the clients' requests, the server at that point presents the requests on the kitchen staff, who are then in charge of cooking and setting up the sustenance. After setting up the sustenance, the kitchen staff flags the server who in this manner serves the nourishment to the visitor. In the wake of eating the sustenance, the visitor at that point requests the check settle the bill, lastly takes off. Explanation of the significance of the process encounter An in depth consideration of the process encounter reveals that the service operations in a fine dining restaurant are far much complicated than it seems. There needs to be a collaboration of the front office and the back office for there to be efficiency. For example, in the front stage operation, the order ticketing needs to be right in order to allow for the cooks in the back stage operations to do their work well. Also, there needs to be quality checks in the back stage in order for the front office to coordinate swiftly, Any delays in the service processing will lead to disgruntled customers and low reviews of the restaurant. Analysis of the Managerial Implications As examined in Zurich (2017) value stream mapping is a capable and basic device in delineating and recognizing the genuine estimation of exercises in the administration procedure. The objective of significant worth stream mapping is to decide each value adding activity required to make the coveted value. On account of the restaurant benefit process stream, the yellow squares indicate critical activities or exercises all the while, which are instrumental in making the coveted value. Utilizing value stream mapping in process examination, the association takes the angle of the different players (i.e., clients and front stage, back stage, and bolster on-screen characters) all the while. Taking the viewpoint of the clients in the restaurant for instance, the procedure includes sit without moving or holding up times, which might be considered as non-value including exercises in the process stream. Thusly, Smith and Ng (2014) noticed that holding up times could be exceptionally irritating with respect to the clients. In eateries for example, long holding up time could be irritating to clients, particularly when they are eager or are encountering time requirements. In any case, the objective of significant worth stream mapping is to limit non-value including exercises and in the process enhance process stream and subsequently benefit levels. Given the negative effects of non-value adding exercises to clients' view of the administration, chiefs ought to in this way find a way to dispose of or in any event limit non-value including exercises simultaneously. Value stream mapping way to deal with process investigation likewise includes allocating assessed process time on every movement to decide process durations, holding up time, and setup time among others. On accounting of the restaurant procedure graph, harsh assessments of the time devoured in every action have been incorporated into request to quantify the time taken to give the administration and in the meantime recognize time wastages inside the procedure. It ought to be noticed that in many occasions clients relate long process time to wastefulness. Investigating the procedure time, it takes the clients around 12 minutes at the base, before getting a table seat. For visitors who are encountering time requirements, twelve minutes of holding up time might be too long, henceforth trigger client disappointment and in the long run disappointment. In perspective of the negative ramifications of long process time to consumer loyalty, directors ought to apply endeavors to enhance process time. As talked about in Slack (2015), the major technique for making a procedure format is to join asset units in light of preparing sort and along these lines moving them moderately to each other in view of the stream existing between them. Besides, Slack (2015) additionally guaranteed that one key presumption or destinations in the outline of process formats is unending limit and most extreme productivity. In connection to design examples, Jacobs and Chase (2013) distinguished four noteworthy format designs, which might be recognized as takes after: the item format, the procedure design, the settled position design, and the gathering format. For benefit situated operations, the most suitable format design is the settled position design. In the settled position format, assets, including labor and types of gear required to make an item or give an administration are situated in a typical area. Thus, this applies to restaurant operations whereby receptionists are situated in the gat hering territory, the servers in the feasting zone, and kitchen staff in the nourishment readiness zone. Conclusion A comprehension of interior process could help in creating or outlining more compelling and productive process streams. Process graphs and value stream mapping are compelling methodologies in comprehension and breaking down the viability of the procedure. As found on account of the restaurant benefit process, certain exercises might be considered as non-value including. Subsequently, these non-value including exercises are the essential wellsprings of client disappointment and in the long run disappointment. In perspective of the negative impacts of non-value adding exercises to consumer loyalty, supervisors should find a way to wipe out if not limit these non-value including exercises. Thus, directors ought to apply push to recognize the most appropriate process design, as the format decidReferences es general effectiveness and efficiency. References Jacobs, R. and Chase, R., 2013.Operations and supply chain management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Slack, N., 2015.Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Smith, L., Maull, R. and CL Ng, I., 2014. Servitization and operations management: a service dominant-logic approach.International Journal of Operations Production Management,34(2), pp.242-269. Zurich, L.B., 2017. Service Operations and Management.
Monday, March 23, 2020
11 Signs Your Boss Likes You Even If It Doesnt Seem Like It
11 Signs Your Boss Likes You Even If It Doesnt Seem Like It Having a solid relationship with your boss is incredibly important. It’s important to have a good rapport and to earn each other’s trust and respect. But some bosses are less effusive than others. What to do if your boss leaves you feeling in the dark as to her opinion of you? Here are 11 signs your boss is likes you, even if, perhaps, she doesn’t show it much.1. You Only Get Tough LoveIf your boss gives you a lot of feedback, and most of it is negative, this is actually a good sign. He respects you enough to give you the notes you need to improve, and is invested in your improvement. Plus, he thinks you can handle the constructive criticism. So take it on the chin and keep doing better and better.2. You’re Constantly Given ChallengesDoes your boss give you more than you feel like you can handle? Perhaps she wants to test you, or groom you, and puts you on tough assignments. This may be a bit overwhelming, but it’s usually a very good sign.3. You Always Sniff Out PrioritiesIf you are tuned into what your boss’s top priorities are, then not only can you work more effectively, but you’ll know whether you are working with the same endgame in mind. Keep this channel of communication open and be sure to volunteer for the projects that align with these priorities. Quickest way to your boss’s heart!4. You Feel RespectedIt doesn’t actually matter if your boss likes you. All that matters is respect. You don’t have to go for maniIf another employee is struggling, or someone has a problem or needs guidance with a difficult task, and your boss sends them down to you? Or you get singled out as an example of good work for the rest of your team to aspire to? That’s a great sign you’re in the inner circle in your boss’s eye.10. You’re Trusted with the MoneymakersWhen the stakes are high, you’re the one who gets sent into the game. An important project or client com es around, and your boss turns to you. This sign of trust is a big one, and you should feel great about it.11. You’re Not IgnoredAgain, maybe you aren’t happy hour besties, but your boss does go out of her way to check in with you from time to time- to assess how satisfied you are in your job, and to make sure she’s not in any danger of losing you. That’s a great sign of just how highly you are valued.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Risk Control Systems and Performance
Risk Control Systems and Performance Critical control systems Critical risk control systems are essential in various infrastructures notably those in the energy sector.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Risk Control Systems and Performance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to the increased integration in enterprise systems in modern settings, there is an increased need for the establishment of inherently secure risk control systems which are designed and implemented in such a way that they minimize vulnerabilities to constant threats being posed by both internal and external forces (Young et al 2005). Occurrence of these risks would heavily impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization consequently impacting on the profitability as well as the outlook of the organization (Fraser 2010). Energy companies are often confronted by severe technical security risks due to the delicate nature of their operations. It is therefore the duty o f the organization’s owners and operators to establish the link between the prevailing risks in production and distribution process for energy products and vulnerabilities inherent in the risk control systems (Young et al 2005). Subsequently, the firm’s management should institute and integrate risk control systems, which should be continually improved in order to defend creation and distribution operations from any harm (unintentional and intentional). It is important for companies to implement efficient risk control systems since failure of the same may result in endangerment to human life and the environment, loss of profitability for the affected company, and harm to the nation’s energy production infrastructure (Young et al 2005). Risk refers to the possibility of occurrence of an event that could adversely affect the company’s personnel, assets, environment, reputation or even overflow to the external surroundings (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). Risk is the refore a necessary part of the organization which should be approached with a lot of caution.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since risk taking is an inherent part of any business enterprise seeking to prosper in the market, it is important for the organization to embrace an amount of risk adequate for effective performance of the business. However, these risks require proper management and control in order to enhance the company’s ability to achieve its long term objectives and maintain its profitability. Risk management and critical control systems play an important role in directing organizations towards achieving operations safety by continually preventing and managing these risks (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). Risk control systems therefore refer to a dynamic system adopted by a specific organization to regulate and maintain risks in the company at certai n acceptable levels (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). Critical risks control systems entails a set of resources, procedures, guidelines and actions that are adopted by the organization in order to manage risks. The risk control systems play a major role in creating and preserving the organization’s values, assets as well as its reputation in both the internal and external environment (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). The risk control systems seek to identify and address the potential risks and opportunities that the company is likely to incur in the future on occurrence of risks after which they address and anticipate these risks rather than submitting them passively. The risk management systems assist in the process of decision making and the company’s processes to attain its objectives (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). Through the control systems, the organization seeks to identify the main incidences and events that are likely to influence the company’s long term performance and interfere with the attainment of the company’s objectives. Since it is every organization’s goal to reach the highest level of performance, controlling these risks promotes the company’s performance and enhances the attainment of the company’s objectives. Risk management is an integral part of any organization’s decision-making and operating processes since the decisions made by the organization have to be based on the possibility of occurrence of various risk. Risk control systems allows managers to gain a comprehensive outlook of the company’s threats an opportunities consequently enabling them to make informed decisions based on the probability of risk.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Risk Control Systems and Performance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Risk control systems and risk management promote consistency of the company’s actions with its value (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). This is because they seek to address the issues likely to affect both the internal and external environment consequently demonstrating corporate responsibility. Occurrence of risks often threatens the company’s credibility and reflects the company’s lack of consistency between decision making process and critical risk costs. It is therefore important for organization’s to contain the effects of risks occurrence by ensuring that the risk is efficiently controlled. Sound risk control systems significantly reduce the probability of risk occurrence consequently promoting the image of the organization both internally and externally. In addition, risk management systems promote cohesion among company’s employees as well as other stakeholders as they work together behind a shared vision of reducing the incidences of risk occurrence in the organization. It is the duty of each organization therefore, to establish a risk control system that is applicable to its specific circumstances (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). The risk control system should incorporate an organizational framework that defines the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders, sets out the procedures, and clearly outlines the consistent standards of the system in order to enhance the attainment of its purpose. In addition, the framework should constitute a risk control policy that sets out the system’s objectives in accordance with the corporate culture that should highlight the company’s approach to the identification, analysis and management of risks in the organization. Further, the system should have an advanced information system that facilitates efficient and accurate dissemination of information within the organization. This ensures that the relevant information is transmitted intended recipient within the stipulated time which consequently enhances performance in the organization. An efficient risk control process manifests itself in a three sta ge process; the three stage process entails risk identification, risk analysis and risk management procedures (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). In risk identification, the company seeks to establish the main risks threatening the company’s attainment of its goals and objectives. These risks may derive from internal or external forces.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Risk analysis on the other hand involves the examination of the potential financial, personal, and environmental as well as the reputation implications of the risk occurrence on the company (Greenberg 1991). This enhances the company’s response to accidents upon occurrence. Further, the likelihood of risk occurrence should be assessed in order to award priority to events most likely to occur. The final step involves risk management procedures whereby the most appropriate action plans for the organization are chosen and executed (Poupart-Lafarge 2007). The organization adopts these measures in order to maintain a certain acceptable level of risk necessary for effective performance of the company. The organizations’ risk control systems seek to reduce the amount of risk, transfer the risk, and accept the risk or to completely eliminate the risks. The company makes the appropriate decision by weighing the costs and the opportunities of risk management measures with due co nsideration of their potential effects on the overall performance of the organization as well as its environs. The organization should subject the risk control systems to periodic supervision and reviews which facilitates constant performance improvement. Critical risk control systems for a nuclear plant Nuclear plant activities carry with them an inherent risk that may negatively affect people or the environment (Heinrichs and Fell 1995). Consequently, the aim of all risk managers in the industry is to maintain risks levels as low as possible. The governing bodies embark on extensive regulation and control of the plant in order to safeguard it from internal and external threats. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission protects nuclear materials within the country from misappropriation, sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure, and regulates the use of radioactive materials in the plants in order to protect people and the environment (NRC 2010). Radioactive materia ls pose danger to human life and the environment through exposure to ionizing radiations. As defined by IAEA in 1988, one of the major goals of safety management in nuclear plants is ensuring the protection of the plant’s personnel, the general public, and the environment through extensive defence against radiological hazards (Neeb 2007). The US NRC has implemented various measures to attain this goal. The events of September 11th that resulted to massive losses of lives prompted US to increase its emphasis on security of radio active materials. Consequently, the NRC has been fully dedicated to the process of providing security to nuclear materials without discouraging their beneficial use through the office of federal and state materials and environmental management program and the office of nuclear security and incidence response (NRC 2010). In the modern global energy, nuclear plant management are confronted with numerous dimensions of risks other than radio active hazards . Therefore, the management has to address these risks in order to remain competitive in the global market (IAEA 2001). Due to major advancements in information technology, there is an increased need for securing sensitive information in nuclear plants. Both classified and sensitive information relating to nuclear operations must be protected by the governing bodies due to its delicate nature. This is important since leakage of information to unauthorized persons may in some instances result in threat to national security, or enable unauthorized people to design, utilize or manufacture nuclear weapons (NRC 2010). According to a report by IAEA (2001), the operating system of nuclear plant comprises of three major sectors; safety, productions, and commercial sectors which are embedded within a strategic outline and are interdependent of each other such that a decision made in one of the sectors consequently impacts on the performance of other sectors. An integrated risk control system therefore analyzes these factors and aims at minimizing or eliminating the risk associated with the same. Various bodies have been established to regulate nuclear activities in the world. These bodies award responsibility to the material licensees to maintain security and accountability of the radioactive material in their possession (NRC 2010). The nuclear licensees and security regulators have consequently agreed on a shared vision to ensure safe, secure and efficient utilization of nuclear materials under the Regulatory Nuclear Interface Protocol (HSE 2009). Plant protection and mitigation systems form an additional yet separated system of layers to the control systems by monitoring the nuclear plant variables (Chapin 1997). If these systems detect that the plant monitoring and control systems are not operating in line with the plant’s pre determined set of conditions, they proceed to shut down the plant. The systems (mitigation and protection) are discrete for the reason that they are physically detached from the software and hardware being employed by the firm’s control and operating systems. In addition, they are environmentally designed to survive in the harshest anticipated accident conditions e.g. earthquakes (Chapin 1997). Licensing of risk control systems is governed by the Regulatory Commission in United States. The federal government has established the (DHS) which has the overall responsibility among the federal agencies for assessing the vulnerability of the nation’s critical infrastructure to external threats and coordinating efforts to enhance security of the same. Back in 2005, DHS sought to inspect the nuclear sites in the United States in order to conduct security reviews which would assist them in assessing the risk and consequences of various events likely to affect the nuclear power plants (Wells 2007). This enabled the body to establish the most effective way of allocating federal resources to improve security in t he nuclear plants. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the primary focus is on the security of the sites and the protective measures applied to enhance such security. The NRC staffs possesses vast knowledge and experience on matters relating to threat assessment which comes in handy in the process of assessing the possibility of threat to the nuclear power plant. Through the use of reports and secure data bases, the NRC is able to analyze the information in order to identify specific references to nuclear power plants and to determine the possibility of terrorist attack to the nuclear plant (Wells 2007). Identification of risk control systems Flight control is an interesting yet a technically challenging subject for which a wide range of engineering disciplines have to align their skills and efforts in order to establish a successful control system that ensures that the aircrafts are operated in safe conditions (Pratt 2000). Since airline operations require maximum security and s afety conditions, it is important for the airline management to ensure that the safety standards are maintained at all levels in order to avoid accidents. The causes of accidents and incidents in aircraft operations refer to events or conditions that lead to occurrence of aircraft accident. Accidents on the other hand refer to occurrences that affect the normal operations of an air craft. Accidents may occur during the operations from the time a person boards an air craft to the time that all the people have disembarked from the plane that results into serious injuries to people, damage to the air craft and/or the disappearance of the aircraft (National research Council 1998). In the bowtie, the possible risks for the aircraft are clearly outlined. The causes of risks range from helicopter failure, overloading the helicopter, hazardous cargo on board which may result in aircraft accidents. In order to reduce the probability of such risk occurrences, the management should utilize pro per risk control systems. Aircraft operators should strictly adhere to quality control systems which considerably reduces cases of aircraft failures and accidents. Aircraft owners and operators should ensure that their suppliers are providing them with approved aircrafts which have undergone extensive inspection and approval by the governing bodies. Aviation contractors should ensure that the helicopters are maintained in good and safe working conditions in order to promote safety in the long run. Regulatory bodies should certify effective aircraft manufacturers and constantly inspect their production processes in order to promote continuous quality aircraft manufacturing. In addition, the manufacturers must incorporate the standards upheld by airline operators which ensure that high quality aircrafts are utilized consequently reducing the probability of aircraft failure. Governing bodies should ensure that safety procedures are followed at all levels of operations in order to preve nt helicopter. Aircrafts should be used for the appropriate duties and the operators should be highly qualified. Experienced and qualified pilots have the ability to execute their duties effectively and this significantly reduces the number of accidents. The pilots should accurately calculate the required weight and balance for each trip in order to avoid overloading the aircraft which often result in aircraft accidents. In case of adverse environmental conditions, the pilot has the authority to abort any take off or landing in order to prevent an accident. A competent pilot has the ability to adjust route in order to avoid sudden environmental changes such as storm. However, the airline operators should ensure continuous and accurate monitoring of environmental conditions in order to avoid such incidences. Effective communication among the relevant stakeholders is important in the coordination of aircraft operations. The helicopter landing officer should be in constant communicatio n with the pilot in order to promote safe landing and take off. Pre flight induction and video briefing should be highly emphasized in order to enlighten those on board on matters regarding safety and emergency procedures. Effective and constant communication between the pilot and air traffic controllers has been essential in tracing lost aircrafts in the past. Further, the communication enables the air traffic controllers to establish the accurate time for aircraft landing consequently reducing incidences of helicopter crash at the rig. Functional and survivability requirements Continuous monitoring of the performance and quality standards of aircrafts and airlines is necessary in order to ensure that safety performance is achieved and maintained in the long run (Heldman 2005). Adopting critical risk control systems in the short run reduces the effectiveness of risk control systems in achieving long term objectives of the airline. To avoid such incidences, the airline administratio n should make use of the AIR monitors to guarantee constant execution of safety standards and continuous scrutiny of the producer’s control systems in order to establish the level of protection and to incessantly validate that they are still abiding by terms of the documentation as well as the delegation that they hold. The airline companies should establish solid regulatory bodies which should govern the safety standards in aircraft operations. Regulatory bodies should ensure that the rules and regulations such as IATA which regulates transport of hazardous materials are strictly enforced in order to avoid aircraft accidents resulting from hazardous material onboard. Further, these bodies should ensure that aircraft operators are highly qualified. For instance, the regulatory bodies should ensure that the aviation personnel possess valid helicopter underwater training escape training which they must present before boarding the aircraft. Regulatory bodies should constantly in spect the quality standards in aircraft operations in order to ensure that they are implemented and practiced in the long run. Effective communication should be embraced at all levels of aircraft operations. The management should constantly motivate their fellow employees to maintain safe standards in aircraft operations. Both vertical and horizontal communication should be promoted in order to promote coordination of the operations as well as contribution by fellow employees. Risk control system should be based on the basic fundamental principles of risk identification, risk analysis, action plan, and continuous monitoring of the process. Communication between aircraft operators should be enhanced through the utilization of modern technology which has substantially improved communication in the modern world Performance assessment Although the airline management may implement risk control systems effectively, it is important for them to assess the effectiveness of the system in orde r to achieve the intended objectives. Integration of risk control systems and safety assurance enables the attainment of this goal within organizations. The risk control process enables the management to identify the hazards prevalent in airline operations and the subsequent assessments of these risks. Performance assurance on the other hand takes control of the process by ensuring that the risks controls continue to be practiced within the organization and that they continue to achieve their intended purpose. This system further provides for an opportunity for the assessment of the need for new controls arising as a result of changes in the operational environment (Halford 2008). The management should therefore review the long term objectives of risk control systems and assess the probability of achievement based on current performance. Reference List Chapin, D. M., 1997. Digital instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants: safety and reliability issues: final repor t, Washington D. C., National Academic Press. Fell, R., Heinrich, P., 1995. Acceptable risks for major infrastructures: proceedings of the seminar on acceptable risks for extreme events in planning and design of major infrastructures, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia, 26-27 April 1994. NY: Taylor and Francis. Fraser, J., 2010. Enterprise Risk Management: Today’s leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow’s Executives. Canada, John Wiley and Sons. Greenberg, R. H., 1991. Risk Assessment and Risk Management for the Chemical Process Industry. Canada, John Wiley and Sons. Halford, D. C., 2008. Safety Management Systems in Aviation. London, Ashgate Publishing Limited. Heldman, K., 2005. Projects Manager’s Spotlight on Right Management. Canada, John Wiley and Sons. HSE. 2009. Regulatory Nuclear Interface Protocol. Web. International Atomic Energy Agency. Risk Management: A Tool For Improving Nuclear Power Plant Performance, Austria: IAEA Web. National Academic Press, 1998. Improving the Continued Airworthiness of Civil Aircraft: a Strategy for the FAA’s Aircraft Certification Service. Washington DC, National Academies Press. Neeb, K., 1997. The Radio Chemistry of Nuclear Power Plants with Light Water Reactors. London, Walter de Gruyter. NRC. 2010. Ensuring the security of radio active materials. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Web. Pratt, R., 2000. Flight Control Systems: Practices Issues in Design and Implementation. London, Institution of electrical engineers. Telefonica, S.A., 2005. Annual Report on Corporate Governance 2005. Web. Wells, J., 2007. Nuclear Power Plants: Efforts Made To Upgrade Security, But the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Design Basis Threat Process Should Be Improved. New York, Diane publishing. Young M L, Stoddard M, Watters J, Nitschke R, Bodeau D., Kertzner P., 2005. Process Control System Security Technical Risk Assessment: Analysis of The Problem Domain. Dartmouth, Dartmouth publishing.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Financial reporting and corporate governance disclosures of Saudi Essay
Financial reporting and corporate governance disclosures of Saudi banks - Essay Example The intention of this study is the corporate governance as â€Å"the set of institutions that determines how the residual claims are distributed between those who have participated in the generation of profits†. In respect of the corporate reproting Shleifer & Vishny provides a clear statement to elaborate corporate governance as â€Å"a form in which stakeholders make sure they will obtain a return of their investment†. This implies that companies need to develop and implement corporate governance policies and practices to ensure that shareholders can have the confidence in the decisions made by managers and expect returns on the investment. Overall good corporate governance could be viewed as â€Å"the subset of those practices that are welfare enhancing for the economy†. The emphasis on corporate governance took its lead when in the early 2000 the US corporate sector was hit by a series of major corporate scandals involving management and those who were respon sible for ensuring integrity in the financial reporting. These corporate failures were mainly argued as a resultant of not enough supervision and regulatory role played by the government. The accounting profession was also blamed for having weak conceptual framework allowing managers to manipulate their financial reporting in favor of attracting investment from shareholders and eventually collapsing due to unveiling of major frauds involving external auditors assisting managers to cover up the internal mismanagement of financial reporting.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Dr. Wakefields Research & Role Played by Media Essay
Dr. Wakefields Research & Role Played by Media - Essay Example Dr. Wakefield’s research employed rigorous tools and methodologies for which no proper ethical approval was obtained for invasive procedures on children. On the other hand, it was found that Dr. Wakefield had exchanged funds with the lawyers of children’s parents that were made part of the research. The research further employed references of other studies that were conducted by either the coauthors of the same research or his friends. Where autism is a disorder for which little information is present regarding its causative agents and cures, a theory supporting the idea that it is caused by MMR vaccination made many parents believe that prevention from vaccination can benefit their child despite having contradictory evidence in the rates of epidemiological increases after this research. The research was later on criticized by other independent studies which raised questions about the effectiveness of Dr. Wakefield’s work. Presence of a reputable medical journal The Lancet and other media bodies providing coverage to this research further aggravated the situation. A medical journal is usually used by medical practitioners, researchers, and educationists in the same field. However, vetting of Dr. Wakefield’s article by a medical journal allowed journalists and other media channels to disseminate information to local people. As a result, parents refused to provide vaccination to their children in large parts of the world with reported epidemics in the UK, US, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Dysbiosis and the Risk of Developing Mental Disorders
Dysbiosis and the Risk of Developing Mental Disorders Topic: Dysbiosis increases the risk of developing mental disorders   Dysbiosis is recognized as a microbial imbalance on or inside the body like a damaged microbiota. It is the most generally known in gastrointestinal tract but also can take place everywhere with a defined mucous membrane such as skin flora and gut flora. The potential causes of dysbiosis are mainly induced from contaminated food or water and improper antibiotics dosage. For instance, taking antibiotics kills the sensitive bacteria but the resistant germs can also be left to grow and breed. There is significant information to show the dysbiosis of the gut microbiota is connected with the pathogenesis of extra intestinal disorders. The roles of gut microbiome in establishing brain development and neurological function, and the mechanisms that the gut microbiotic of dysbiosis contributing to two example of mental health disorders, depression and Irritable bowel syndrome are outlined. Figure 1. The bidirectional communication system between CNS and the gastrointestinal tract (Gut-Brain-Axis). The brain is able to influence the intestinal microbiota while the microbiota is capable to affect the brain development and functions, resulting in mental disorders. The gut microbiota correlates with central nervous system which is vital for the brain development and functions. The bidirectional communication system between CNS and the gastrointestinal tract is called Gut-Brain Axis since the CNS is capable of constantly altering the gut permeability, microbiota configuration and secretion via the initiation of the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis [7]. Moreover, Gut-brain-Axis is responsible to coordinate gut actions in order to associate the emotional centres of the brain with external intestinal functions like immune initiation, intestinal permeability and entero-endocrine signalling. Furthermore, the gut microbiota is involved in maintaining an equilibrium of homeostasis and providing protection against outer pathogens by activating the integration of defensive mucus lining of the gut epithelial cells. When the microbial gut is lake of balance, dysbiosis would be occurred and inflammation is prompted by intestinal permeability change and damaged gut barrier with the access of external antigens such as toxins, microorganisms and gluten to the interior. Additionally, a number of pathogens of diseases are expressed to interrupt the epithelial tight junctions to increase the intestinal permeability and lead to leaky gut so as to launch autoimmunological responses and induce neurological disorders like the depressive-like behaviours by altering gut microbiota composition. Firstly, an example of the mental health disorder is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) which is known as depression by minimum two weeks of low mood followed with declining of self-esteem. Depression-like alternations is examined in germ-free mice and indicated that the increased density of pro-inflammatory cytokines which is expressed in MDD 46 is resulted from the linkage with gut microbiome. Moreover, concentrations of serum antibodies countered to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from gram-negative enterobacteria are greater in patients with MDD than in control individuals 51. Thus, it would induce stress-related disorders by increasing gut permeability and bacterial translocation 22, 52. Also, the altered microbiota configuration is suggested to promote depressive states and dysbiosis. Figure 2. The comparison of a healthy gut and a leaky gut. Under homeostasis, the intestinal epithelial linked with the tight function to inhibit gut microorganisms, food particles etc. to go across the barrier. There is normal intestinal permeability and intact intestinal barrier. When a leaky gut is occurred, the barrier is damaged and increase the intestinal permeability, allowing the undesired passage for the pathogen, gluten, casein etc, which can induce an inflammation and results in mental disorders. The major neuroendocrine mechanism in human is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the activation of this axis stimulate various psychological stressors [130]. Additionally, the cells transfer the signaling molecules into gut lumen in the lamina propria which is under the regulation of the CNS, resulting in alternations in gastrointestinal motility and secretion and also the intestinal permeability in order to change the GIT system in which the bacteria existed in [2]. The mechanism of MDD linked with microbiota is evaluated by comparing the healthy gut and the gut with disease. From figure 2, the intestinal epithelium which is the largest mucosal surface in human body. It is used to provide an inhibition between the host and the environment and it is crucial in establishing the equilibrium of the organism with healthy condition. Under a healthy state, the intestinal epithelial associated with the tight function which prevent the undigested food particles from passing through and the absorptive cells fit close together with the mucus layer which can significantly act as a barrier to bacteria and antigens from outside. The reign of symbiotic microbiota, an intestinal barrier integrity is maintained and used to control pathobiont overgrowth inside the intestinal area and the function of a healthy gut establish the symbiotic relationship between CNS and gut microbiota. However, in the condition of pathological stress or disease, the epithelial barrier is damaged and the gaps between the cells are wider which leads to the increase of the intestinal permeability. Intestinal dysbiosis can negatively affect gut physiology causing improper brain-gut axis signalling and leading effects for CNS functions and disease conditions. Furthermore, stress linked with CNS can also influence gut function and contribute distress of the microbiota. An alternation in the balance of symbionts and pathobionts leads to pathobiont overgrowth and results in dysbiosis, allowing the channel for the translocation of pathological bacteria across the mucosal lining to sites where gives rise to the activation of an immune response recognized by increasing production of peripheral pro-inflammatory mediators and eventually the CNS, inflammation is initiated. When the inflammatory activity is launched, macrophages leads to pathogenesis through unsuitable responses to enteric microbial activation, incapable elimination of microbes from host organisms, defective pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory responses and also deficit of barriers role. This contributes to the greater translocation of pathogenic bacterial constituent from the intestinal mucosa to the systemic circuits where they can stimulate innate immunity and generate pro-inflammatory cytokines, causing the systemic inflammation with an abnormal gut. Therefore, a leaky gut or impaired intestinal permeability is associated the GI dysfunction and the impaired CNS function to induce psychiatric disorders such as depression. The mechanism shows that depression affect the composition and stability of gut microbiota and also the bidirectional communication between microbiota and the CNS arouse stress reactions. Figure 3. Pathways involved in communication between the gut microbiota and the brain including cortisol, cytokines, vagus and enteric nervous system. The brain requires theses pathways to alter the composition of gut microbiota with the state of stress-related disorders. The HPA axis control cortisol secretion and cortisol influence immune cells involving cytokine secretion. Cortisol changes gut permeability and barrier function and hence alter the gut microbiota composition. Moreover, the gut microbiota and probiotics can change the concentrations of circulating cytokines and this affects brain functions. The vagus nerve and regulation of tryptophan contribute to the influence of the gut microbiota to the brain. Also, SCFAs are neuroactive bacteria metabolites that regulate brain and behaviour. Secondly, another example of mental disorder is Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) which is a stress-related disorder linked with Gut-Brain- Axis in order to alter gut microbiota characterization (Carroll et al., 2011) and increase intestinal permeability (Dunlop et al., 2006). Moreover, depression or anxiety anticipate IBS symptoms in the high frequency of patients and psychological characterization incline earlier healthy people to cause IBS after gastroenteritis.[27][28] (Singh et al., 2012). These stress responses in the body associate with the HPA axis and the sympathetic nervous system to perform abnormally in IBS patients. It has a similar mechanism to the MDD and also adapt the HPA axis which modulate cortisol secretion and the cortisol influence immune cells involving cytokine secretion. Cortisol can alter gut permeability and permit bacteria or bacterial antigens to go through the epithelial barrier and this leads to mucosal immune response stimulated which can change the microbiome composition 131]. It is also indicated that a subtle impact on bacterial flora giving rise to greater adhesion and bacterial translocation owing to higher barrier permeability. Significantly, chronic stress damages the intestinal barrier, causing it leaky and raising the circulating level of immune modulator which is the element of bacterial cell wall called lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [134]. LPS transposition can switch on the inherited immune system and advancement of inflammatory actions to generate an autoimmune reaction such as the stress-related disorders. Additionally, the mechanism involves several molecules in the brain-gut-microbiota axis to induce physiological functions. The tryptophan metabolism is affected to brain function regulation which is induced by the gut microbiota (reviewed by OMahony ). Additionally, tryptophan is a crucial amino acid which is used to go through the blood brain barrier and involve in serotonin synthesis when the tryptophan is consumed from the gut. Furthermore, in the condition of pathogenic microbial infections in the gut, this pathway is triggered and the tryptophan from the body stock is depleted. Hence, this causes the deficiency of serotonin supply and result in IBS. Besides, the Short Chain Fatty Acids are known as butyrate, acetate, and propionate which act as signalling molecules and possess immunomodulatory characteristics. They cooperate with nerve cells by activating the sympathetic and autonomic nervous system through G-protein-coupled receptors.195 Furthermore, they can go across the Blood brain barrier to modulate brain development and behaviour19 6, 197, 198 in order to establish the IBS development.199 Besides, the serotonin, 5-HT, is a signalling molecule in the brain-gut-microbiota axis to regulate the intestinal permeability and use to stimulate sensory nerve to signal the CNS. Hence, this pathway involving different signalling molecules correlated with microbiota and initiated the leaky gut is significantly increase the risk of developing neurological disorder by dysbiosis. In conclusion, dysbiosis increases the risk of developing mental disorders such as the Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Both disorders linked with microbiota and require the similar pathways. Dysbiosis with an impaired microbiota correlated with the CNS significantly. The Gut-brain-Axis is responsible to coordinate gut actions and deliver the stress response to the brain by the HPA axis in order to increase the intestinal permeability and damage the intestinal barrier. Followed by several signalling molecules such as tryptophan, 5-HT and SCFAs, the resulted leaky gut and alternation in microbiota composition would contribute to the depressive like behaviours and other neurological disorders. For the future perspective, the mental illness induced by the dysbiosis with altered microbiota can be monitored with appropriate probiotic supplementation and change of metabolomics condition in order to influence the essential changes with both gastrointestina l and neurological significance. References: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr_Ajit_Thakur/publication/260425062_Gut-microbiota_and_mental_health_Current_and_future_perspectives/links/00b7d53134a2bcb221000000.pdf http://www.nature.com/mp/journal/v21/n6/full/mp201650a.html https://jphysiolanthropol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40101-015-0061-7 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166223613000088 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/16512235.2017.1281916 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nmo.12378/full http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159115001105 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S095816691400175X https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4879184/ https://www.jscimedcentral.com/Pharmacology/pharmacology-2-1016.php http://www.medscape.org/viewarticle/855131 https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/psychobiotics-a-promise-for-neurodevelopmental-therapy-2329-8901-1000146.php?aid=72039view=mobile http://www.yeastinfection.org/anxiety-depression-candida-connection/ http://www.healthygutbugs.com/probiotics-next-big-anti-anxiety-remedy/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315779/
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Marketing Nestle
Nestlà © Purina Pet Care Company (NPPC) has been in existence for 115 years. Nestle’ is a pioneer in pet food and the North American market leader and has consistently demonstrated solid financial results. In 2010 Nestle’ Purina Pet Care Co. or (NPPC) were the proud recipients of the Malcolm Bridge Award.Companies who are honored with this award are achievers of pure performance excellence. The president of the United States presents the Malcolm Bridge award to companies who have demonstrated quality management and therefore they are recognized in an effort raise the awareness of excellence within our business world (ASQ.org, 2013).What marketing elements did NPPC utilize as possible contributors to receiving such an honor? The product mix of this company is diverse and includes a product line consisting of items for both cats and dogs. The width of the product mix includes; dry dog food, wet dog food, dog treats, dog litter, dog training pads, dry cat food, wet cat fo od, cat treats and kitty litter (purina.com, 2013).The second part to the product mix is the depth. According to Lamb, Hair and McDaniel, â€Å"the product line depth is the number of product items in a product line†(2012, pg. 159). NPPC offers eleven products in the cat product line and thirteen products in the dog line. Together these make a good product mix.NCCP also has some major elements in their brand name, some of which are very familiar for those who have pets. The brand names include those such as Purina Alpo, Purina One, Purina Dog Chow, Friskies, Tidy Cats and Fancy Feast to name a few. The major elements of this brand would be the push for healthy pet food which in turn makes a healthy pet, all the while offering nutrition and making both the owner and the pet happy.In order to create a happy customer there are service characteristics that must be met. NPPC offers several. To mention a few let’s begin with the some of the most important service characteri stics. One critical intangible service would include NPPC’s quality. They provide large volumes of their products with a proven track record of consistently high quality and very limited defects or issues. NCCP also creates customer loyalty, healthier pets and longevity by providing a quality product (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010).Along with quality NCCP offers excellent customer service and provides dedicated service teams to insure this service is maintained. Ethics would be another intangible service possessed and research is done to ensure cat and dogs are always treated humane. NCCP participates in a formal ethics program and stays involved in the community. They are also listed as a best place to work (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010).Finally, the dedication to service quality is proven by five different components. The first of which is reliability. NPPC is labeled a most trusted pet care company and strive to earn to more every day by being reliable (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010). R esponsiveness and providing prompt service is measured continually and new innovation and new product development has helped continuous improvement in this area (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010).Assurance has been achieved by proving that NPPC cares about the costumers and their pets. The ethical research done to ensure the nutritional values of each and every product speaks volumes (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010).Empathy is very high on the list of ser quality objectives. This is proven by the massive research, surveys and studies done to make sure each customer has a voice and each pet gets the personal attention they need to have a long and prosperous life. The knowledge of the customers, pets and retailers is unparalleled (baldridge.nist.gov, 2010).Last but not least are the tangibles. The manufacturing and distribution of NPPC products are an example of a tangible service that is performed with excellence and technology of equipment and supplies are updated consistently and held at very hi gh standards. The customer service reps are also held to standards and treat each retailer, customer and pet with the very highest regards at all times. It is very apparent looking at the track record of NPPC, why they received the Malcolm Baldrige Award. Every element of the company is held to the highest standards possible and the care and attention provided to their customers is phenomenal. Many companies could learn some valuable lessons by looking at the achievers of this highly honored award.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Explanation of the Multistep Synthesis of Benzilic Acid Essay
The synthesis of several complex organic compounds follows a multistep synthesis. â€Å"Multistep synthesis†refers to the procedure in which the product of one reaction serves as the starting material in the subsequent reaction. The multistep synthesis of benzilic acid begins with a conversion benzaldehyde to benzoin through a condensation reaction. The benzoin then oxidizes into benzil, which undergoes rearrangement to give benzilic acid. Benzoin Synthesis * When two benzaldehyde molecules condense in the presence of thiamine, it leads to the formation of a molecule of benzoin. The thiamine behaves as a coenzyme catalyst. This step of the reaction involves the addition of ethanol and sodium hydroxide into an aqueous solution of thiamine hydrochloride and creating a reaction with pure benzaldehyde. When you heat this mixture to a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for about 90 minutes and then cool it in an ice bath, the benzoin crystallizes out. Recrystallization of these crystals from hot ethanol yields pure benzoin as a colorless powder. Benzil Synthesis * Benzoin undergoes oxidation in the presence of a mild oxidizing agent such as nitric acid to produce the alpha diketone known as benzil. When you heat benzoin with concentrated nitric acid using a reflux condenser, evolution of reddish brown nitrogen dioxide occurs and then stops. When you add cold water to the cooled reaction mixture, benzil precipitates out as a yellow solid. You can then recrystallize this substance from hot ethanol. 1. Benzilic Acid Synthesis * When you reflux a solution of benzil in ethyl alcohol with potassium hydroxide for 15 minutes and then cool it, it forms the carboxylate salt potassium benzilate. When you dissolve this salt in hot water in an Erlenmeyer flask and add hydrochloric acid to bring the pH down to 2, the salt becomes acidified to yield benzilic acid. Precautions * During the conversion of benzaldehyde to benzoin, you must maintain temperatures below 65 degrees Celsius to obtain benzoin. Take care when refluxing benzoin with nitric acid; the nitrogen dioxide fumes are extremely toxic and can cause lung damage. During the conversion of benzoin to benzil, some benzoin may remain unoxidized. Prevent this scenario by creating a reaction of an ethanolic solution of the benzil with 10 percent sodium hydroxide solution; if benzoin is present, a purple color develops.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne - 1268 Words
â€Å"Her attire, which, indeed, she had wrought for the occasion, in prison†¦seemed to express the attitude of her spirit†(Hawthorne 51). The Scarlet Letter explores the strict relationship between religion and law. By the mid 1630’s many Puritans settled in Boston, Massachusetts, from England. The villages where they settled often included houses, a community garden and a meetinghouse where church services were held. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter utilizes the late 1600’s to reflect on how the church would deal with serious issues including adultery. This raises the question: how does Hawthorne develop characters to express the corruption of the 1600s and the relationship between church and government? Through the developing of key†¦show more content†¦Hester on the other hand is described with the words â€Å"pride†and â€Å"grace†because she faces against her accusation head on. Dimmesdale, who is equally guilty hides and puts on a faà §ade, whereas Hester is punished with her head held high. Hawthorne’s diction when describing Hester helps develop her sense of self. Although Hester in the beginning is ostracized for committing adultery, later in the novel she develops to becoming a person who helps other women in her position. Hawthorne continuously uses the same language when describing Hester because in a way she represents a shift towards the future, that future being Pearl. Hester encompasses a mind-set that surpasses the views of her fellow town’s people, and while this contradicts with everyone else she remains steady in her views. Hester remains a constant aspect in the town. In a sense Hester can be considered an outsider, almost â€Å"savage†to everyone else. Her stance resembles the larger stance between whites and the Native Americans. By using larger contracts such as â€Å"Vagrant Indian whom the white man’s fire-water†¦was to be driven wit h stripes into the shadow of the forest†Hawthorne is comparing Hester’s crime against society to the crime of society against Native Americans (Hawthorne 47). In this way Hawthorne displays irony, since the townspeople believe themselves to be pure, honest and upholding, yet
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