Thursday, October 31, 2019
Landscape Artists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Landscape Artists - Essay Example This pattern seems to mirror his conservative attitude towards nature: that introducing another life form may no longer be necessary, or even appear destructive, which probably explains why he rarely juxtaposes humans with trees. Inness, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to mind. His own definition of nature is broad enough to even include houses. In fact, in his â€Å"Albanersee, Italien,†he painted what seems to be a recreational area with humans strolling around who are, like him, enjoying nature’s splendor. He seems to suggest that animals, including humans, go hand in hand with nature towards a harmonious coexistence. We could tell from their works that both painters admire nature so much that they want it captured in their paintings in meticulous detail. Otherwise, they would not stay that long in the landscape and realism genre. Rousseau’s works, however, are mostly gloomy, evoking a sense of romantic melancholy to the beholder. Solitude, his favorite theme, is expressed by painting trees standing alone or unusually taller than the other accessory figures so that anyone staring at his canvass would immediately notice such isolation. Darkness usually dominates his works, depicting either sunset or cloudy skies, seemingly to warn danger looming ahead. But Inness is just the opposite, painting clear skies suggesting a fine weather, which also evokes feelings opposite to the kind Rousseau attempts to bring. Inness’s paintings are mostly bright and sunny, with animals and humans that seem to be enjoying nature’s hospitality. In this sense, his paintings look more inviting to the human eye, provoking viewers to look further into the minute details. But in fairness to Rousseau, his masterpieces are successful in bringing intense emotion to the viewers. I admire him for that, as it takes a grea t deal of creativity to express beauty while attempting to elicit a
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Professional developement plan nursing career 5 yrs from now Essay
Professional developement plan nursing career 5 yrs from now - Essay Example I am also a person who likes to be hands on. I don’t like paperwork or deskwork because I get bored easily. I prefer to be very active and to have regular direct contact with the patients. This is why I have studied nursing, to have a challenging and very busy job. I would not be happy working in administration or a supervisor role which took me away from the patients and put me in front of a computer. I worked in a free standing surgical centre for the last ten years. I think this might be a barrier to my long term goals in terms of job opportunities because I have been out of hospital nursing. I am doing the BSN and will do a Masters to try to overcome this barrier but I am worried that being out of hospital nursing for ten years might create problems for me in the future as my main career aim is to work as a nurse practitioner in a clinic. I hope that my Masters will help me achieve this. The role of a baccalaureate prepared nurse is as a giver of care both directly and indirectly. The nurse therefore becomes a patient advocate and educator. This style of nursing allows me to develop my holistic philosophy. As a baccalaureate nurse I will also have the skills to coordinate and manage care. I will therefore have the ability to delegate to others and assess their work. I hope this will compensate for my lack of a formal education in management. I will work as part of a team and my preparation means that I can enter the work place at a supervisory level. I am also committed to lifelong learning which is why I intend to take a Masters qualification. A baccalaureate nurse will also have basic computer skills and the ability to apply patient care technologies such as monitors, data gathering devices and other technical equipment. Computers are very important in the future of nursing because they improve efficiency and reduce costs. This is the part of the course which I will struggle with the most as I have limited computer knowledge and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Characteristics Of Autocratic Leadership Business Essay
Characteristics Of Autocratic Leadership Business Essay In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making. Autocratic leadership is an extreme form of transactional leadership, where a leader exerts high levels of power over his or her employees or team members. People within the team are given few opportunities for making suggestions, even if these would be in the teams or organizations interest. The autocratic leadership style is best used in situations where control is necessary, often where there is little margin for error. When conditions are dangerous, rigid rules can keep people out of harms way. Good fits for Autocratic Leadership are Military, Manufacturing and Construction Characteristics of Autocratic Leadership Little or no input from group members Leaders make the decisions Group leaders dictate all the work methods and processes Group members are rarely trusted with decisions or important tasks In change management, this theory is successful during the emergency and necessary actions where is no chance of mistakes this is useful only in those areas where only orders and instructions are given e.g. military, constructions etc. Participative/Democratic Theory The democratic leadership style is a very open and collegial style of running a team. This theory suggests that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account. These leaders encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members feel more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the input of others. Group members feel engaged in the process and are more motivated and creative. In this theory, ideas move freely amongst the group and are discussed openly. Everyone is given a seat at the table, and discussion is relatively free-flowing. The people have a more participatory role in the decision making process. Levins study found that participative leadership, also known as democratic leadership is generally the most effective leadership style. The basic ideas behind participative theory of leadership can be summoned as follows: Everyone Participate New ideas are thrown about Decisions becomes more-oriented Leaders can assess the worth of their policies A progressive approach In change management, under this style of leadership leader need to be participate in the task which going to be achieved within the organization with team members to motivate and encourage them towards the goal. Transformational Theory The concept of transformational leadership was developed by James Macgregor Burns [1] (Burns, 1978). According to Burns, transforming leadership is a process in which leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation. In transformational leadership various mechanisms are used to boost employee morale and motivation. The following list explains some of the mechanisms used. Please note that following list is not exhaustive, many more mechanisms are used and I am listing a few (Wiki-transformational, Ret. 2007): Integrating individual goals with the organizational goal, it is to create a sense of belongingness; it also includes connecting ones identity to the collective identity of the organization. Depicting leader as a role model so that the entire followers can follow him, having a common role model also helps in creating common paths to follow. Followers are challenged to take greater ownership of their work; this also includes techniques like constructive criticism. This also promotes the concept of taking liability of your actions in both positive and negative way. Leader is made responsible for aligning and optimizing the employee performance by measuring their strengths and weaknesses. In change management, under this style of leadership, leaders encourage and motivate the employees in such a way that they perform at their best to achieve more than the desired or set goal. Transformational and Transactional While there are many different approaches and theories of leadership, Transactional and Transformational are compared the most, so based on my research online, here is my attempt: Transformational VS Transactional Objectives are achieved by moral values and higher ideas Objectives are achieved by rewards and punishments set by the leader Proactive leadership Responsive leadership Individualized Consideration Management by Exception Motivation is achieved by promoting group interest and team work spirit Motivation is achieved by promoting self interest 1.3 Leadership role models I would like to be a transformational leader, so would be listing two transformational business leaders Dr. Vijay Malaya Mr. Rahul Bhatia Leadership profiles DR. Vijay Malaya Dr. Vijay Malaya is currently of 56 years old and living in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He got residency of India and Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Arts and science from Calcutta University. His all the property was inherited and grooming day by day. He is the brand ambassador of himself and prefers the belief to knowledge and talent. He always tries to focus on team presentation and how much experience they have got. His living standard is very high profile and social able. He got high ambitious person and very dominant nature. Because of his autocratic leadership style his company is booming. He got aggressive behavior because his all normal talks are with general manager of the company. He is from one of the irregular and late leaders. He always wants fully attention on work from his staff. He has no emotions for his employees. Because his policy is to whenever any of his employees had said no to work, he fired his/her. In his company hiring and firing is frequent. Ther e are less chances of promotion in his company. There are less salary incentives as well in his company. He got strong position in politics as well, with the help of this power; he is getting high name and fame. Moreover, he has keen interest in sports as well. He is the owner of Royal Challengers Bangalore, an IPL cricket team. He also formed a Sahara force India formula one team. Furthermore, by reading his image, it is shown that he is very straight forward leader, who doesnt wait for others to start. In simple words, Vijay Malaya do everything is of his own choice, he leads team in very formal way. He doesnt have any emotions for his employees. Change Management Under his leadership, he made a big change in his company. His company is getting name and fame. He expands his company from low level to high level. He started kingfisher airlines. Before him according to survey, the kingfisher was on 32nd rank in the world, but after him, kingfisher got the 19th rank among another companies. Mr. Rahul Bhatia Mr. Rahul Bhatia is also in his 60s. He was born in Bentwal, Karnataka. He completed his studies BS in electrical engineering from university of waterloo, Canada. Currently he is living in Delhi, India. After completing his studies, he worked with IBM. Then he realized to setup his own company Indigo. He believes in diligence, future mindedness, transparency in work. He is democratic leader. He always gives chances to others to perform. Because of his positive attitude, his company is shining day by day. He always brings forward good talent. Mr. Rahul Bhatia always tries to keep his focus on good team performance. He believes in simple living and high thinking. He is very punctual in his life and always set goals to be targeted. He has seen some difficult period for his company, but he paid salaries and bonus to each worker time to time. He is continuously learning and trying to develop the leadership style. He is really a very good leader and task oriented. He respects the voice of his employees. He has promotion policy in his company and always promotes the good talent. Change Management He started indigo as a private low cost carrier based airline. But Rahul Bhatia put his a lot hard work in indigo, so thats why it was the only airline in India making profits by the end of March, 2012. It became the Indias largest airline in terms of market share. Comparison between Dr. Vijay Malaya and Mr. Rahul Bhatia: Sr. No. Autocratic Style Participative/Democratic Style Dr. Vijay Malaya Mr. Rahul Bhatia 1 He is only one to make decisions. He tries to use the decision made by majority 2 He doesnt have any confidence on employees. He lets other coworkers come forward and show the ability. 3 He is rude to his employees and for mistake; he got only one punishment of firing. To establish goals though employees and help them to work hard to achieve goals. Benchmarking criteria For setting up of benchmarking criteria, I will be using participative leadership approach. I will be listing qualities of this leadership approach as a benchmarking framework for my own personal development. Participative leaders have a very high degree of self-confidence- I see it as an essential element of my personal development benchmarking because I think every leader must have self-confidence. If you believe in yourself, only then you can convince others to believe in you. Almost all participative leaders have high sense of Social Responsibility- it is important as it lays the basic draft plan for you to be socially responsible. Remember your followers also form a part of society, which makes it even more viable for a leader. Participative leaders focus on Individualized Consideration- it is important as not all employees are same, some can perform exceptional but just need an extra push. Transformational leaders have a proactive approach- It helps to achieve higher employee morale and integrates personal and organizational goals. So we can sum out the basic criteria I described in Benchmarking criteria as follows: High degree of self confidence Social responsibility Individualized consideration Proactive approach 2. Self-Assessment 2.1 Benchmarking Potential analysis is a benchmarking tool that not only compares your performance with benchmarks but also tells you the deviation. Deviation is basically the difference you need to make up in order to achieve your desired benchmark [2] (Mgmt, Ret 1999). Lets analyze our set standards in benchmarking criteria with my own performance: A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 Tests Benchmarked Figure My Own Deviation B2 Degree of self confidence 5 2 3 B3 Social awareness 5 2 3 B4 Individualized Consideration 5 1 4 B5 Proactive approach 5 2 3 A2 Tests are the key elements which are to be compared in Potential Analysis A3 Benchmarked figures are the highest total which can be attained in a relative operational environment. A4 is the actual measures of my own assessment in terms of Tests (figures here are calculated from the surveys completed) A5 Deviation is the difference of comparison between benchmarked figure and the actual figure. This is the difference we need to cover up in order to achieve benchmarked results. Reflection I like to prefer participative leadership style. As I came from well-educated Indian family I have enough knowledge about what qualities needed to be a good leader. My father always asks our opinions if he is going to make some major decisions that bring changes to our family. I am working in such environment where the leaders are totally participative and encourage all the time to take parts in decision making process by asking our views. According to me this leadership style is well suitable for me because I can encourage and motivate others to participate with their full extent. This encouragement enables team members to play major part in decision making process which makes their performance better. I can guide as mentor to help them in achieving their goals. I need to develop proactive approach towards leadership. Responsive approach like transactional is mostly used in crisis management. 3. Personal Development Plan Opportunities Rationale strategies Timeframe measures measures My short goal is to become the manager in my organization I have chosen this goal because after completing my (level 5) in business I will become valid for the manager position. After completing my course I will take 3 months training for the clerical work done in the organization. I have to take my leadership I need 2 year more to get it to that position because at present I am working as a supervisor If I get a good feedback working in the office from the manager that will be my measure to be there on that position The main resources I need for this short term goal is to complete my diploma in business management (level 5) As my long term goal is to be the area manager of my organization I have chosen this position because I have a good power of motivation and convincing power also as I have a very good leadership style so thats why my goal is to be the area manager of my organization For this goal I need a very good communication skills to attend the big meetings or to the customers so I will take English class and also I will go for the further studies in the business field( level 6 )and( level 7) So to get this major position in my organization I need four to five years of time because my studies will take two years more and I have to get more experience and to achieve a clear vision. In this goal the measures will be my studies if I will be able to complete my studies then I will get my good skills and knowledge .other measures will be the right decision taken as manager of the organization start from today . I need more money to get well education of the relating to my field , I need the time and in that time the decision made by me should be valid , need more skills My another and the dream full goal is to be the successful businessman in new Zealand and being as a very idol leader for the others so that anyone can give good example about me . Because it is my dream that I should be in the list of successful businessman in New Zealand And a very good person to the people as well because success is nothing if we dont have respect in the society. I will go for the further studies and have to learn the big terms the leader should have like, self-confidence, risk taking, great vision, positive attitude, less negative points, great motivation quality. As I have this very big goal in front of me is very difficult but not the impossible it needs probably 10 more years to be their because new Zealand successful business is a big term itself ,and need this period also to get immense experience and great knowledge and very good education as well and more importantly the focus s As I have told my short term and long term goals the success in these goals and in the given time period will be great feedback to me .and if I will be successful in making myself more vision able but with the hard work that would be a good measures for me that I am going in a right way . There are many resourcing that I need in this goal to achieved I need good amount of time to get work on each step
Friday, October 25, 2019
College Admissions Essay: Life is Beautiful :: College Admissions Essays
Life is Beautiful A friend of mine recently sent me an email with an aphorism that read, "Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to." I shuddered at its implications. According to this, the best things come to you; you do not elicit them. Trying hard, it seems, is irrelevant to what becomes of our life. I would rephrase it: "Try so hard that it becomes easy, and accept the best things as the best person to receive them." For it is only hard because you do not know that it is easy. The complete work is easy and lovely--easy as sweat and blood is easy, for the alternative of holding back, of reserving your power, of giving half your heart to what you seek, this, this, is hard. Only habit makes it easy. If you are not wise enough to know the good and true way, then it is your one goal, your singular objective to become wise. And once you are wise, you find what is good and true, and you give your all to it. Bend not your knee to distraction. Allow me to repeat: giving all is only hard because you do not realize that it is easy. If I told you that I am called to be a writer, then it should be assumed the gentle task I have before me: study my homework for four hours a day, edit my book three hours a day, write letters and journal entries at every spare moment, read literature of all sorts--and only high literature, the best every written, nothing secondary or weak. All this must be done without a tinge of complaint, without any holding back, without any fear of failure, without any sense that I am sacrificing, without a feeling of duty. To complain is to reveal an inner contradiction. If I do complain, I must figure out why, and solve that problem. College Admissions Essay: Life is Beautiful :: College Admissions Essays Life is Beautiful A friend of mine recently sent me an email with an aphorism that read, "Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to." I shuddered at its implications. According to this, the best things come to you; you do not elicit them. Trying hard, it seems, is irrelevant to what becomes of our life. I would rephrase it: "Try so hard that it becomes easy, and accept the best things as the best person to receive them." For it is only hard because you do not know that it is easy. The complete work is easy and lovely--easy as sweat and blood is easy, for the alternative of holding back, of reserving your power, of giving half your heart to what you seek, this, this, is hard. Only habit makes it easy. If you are not wise enough to know the good and true way, then it is your one goal, your singular objective to become wise. And once you are wise, you find what is good and true, and you give your all to it. Bend not your knee to distraction. Allow me to repeat: giving all is only hard because you do not realize that it is easy. If I told you that I am called to be a writer, then it should be assumed the gentle task I have before me: study my homework for four hours a day, edit my book three hours a day, write letters and journal entries at every spare moment, read literature of all sorts--and only high literature, the best every written, nothing secondary or weak. All this must be done without a tinge of complaint, without any holding back, without any fear of failure, without any sense that I am sacrificing, without a feeling of duty. To complain is to reveal an inner contradiction. If I do complain, I must figure out why, and solve that problem.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development
A bustling mall with Christmas shoppers, a hearty Christmas meal served with wine and epicurean meals, and Christmas gifts galore under the tree, brand new cars for gifts and other high priced consumer gifts are a healthy sign of economic growth. Basically, they were available thanks to a robust economy supported by plentiful jobs enhancing the lifestyles. Economic growth is the byproduct of economic development. That is to say, economic development starts with enhancing aspects of economic composites such as industry, real estate, and factories. When all the underpinnings are working efficiently like a well-greased machinery, high output results to economic growth directly evident in the form of high living, high consumerism, and affluent society. Economic growth is one political trump card that catapults a presidential aspirant to the White House, possibly after having pandered on the voters appeal with a rosy economic picture, but only to be busted soon as put in the position. Because the economy is as volatile as our behavior, interestingly enough, to bring about sustaining economic growth, what is needed is what is called â€Å"applied intelligence†(Wanniski) in practical sense as Hitler did employing bright minds managers that helped solve mass unemployment plaguing his regime. Sustained economic development is achievable, if hope and incentives can be provided, (Leisinger). Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Question 2: Explain the causes of and solutions to environmental degradation in general. We are at a critical period confronted by a big dilemma that of maintaining our own survival as a species in the highest totem pole of biological hierarchy. Studies after studies have established that we are our own threat. This is an unfortunate reality that sustaining our prodigious population, exponentially growing, is paradoxically pushing us out of existence. Our very needs to support our life have caused severe degradation on our ecosystem. On this endeavor alone, it is said that each individual requires 1600 calories per day, and more, just to fuel other of our vital activities, such as recreation, writing, going on vacation, to name a few. Since our sustenance comes from food, keeping us well fed requires that agriculture be stepped up with the demand. In so doing, the soil has suffered grave depletion of nutrients, and fertilizer is introduced to the rescue, but ultimately found has its own caustic effect on the environment. More spaces are being carved out from the forests to grow more food, get wood for lumber and cooking. This activity has introduced the problem of deforestation negatively manifesting in soil erosion, flooding, depletion of oxygen, endangerment of our flora and fauna that are vital to the natural balance. Toxic gas is emitted from using wood for cooking, rampant among the third world countries. Combined with combustions from factories, power plants, and cars, the build up of pollution in the atmosphere creates a phenomenon called global warming. Weather becomes more wacky and wicked descending on land in the form of catastrophic magnitude typhoons, hurricanes, tornado, and drought. We’ve felt the force of Katrina, devastations in the south by tornadoes, perpetual drought in Ethiopia and other African countries, and devastating typhoons in Asia. Our ozone layer is thinning out exposing us to more radiation from the sun. â€Å"That the high use of aerosols in Australia is said to cause droughts in Ethiopia†(Rotstayn). In summation, what scientists have found out is a colossus of a problem expressed in the following: (EPA) Studies using the ‘ecological footprint’ formula show that if everyone in the world consumed resources at the same rate as people in the richest countries, humans would need at least three planet Earths to support everyone. Like any other problems, environmental degradation begs for solution, what for a magnitude such as we face now? While ideas may differ, scientists are very much united in voicing out that we need for us to change our ways, i. e. abits, thinking, and acts. We need to be highly aware and conscious that we are the biggest generator of problem that can destroy our one and only home planet Earth. It makes it imperative to abandon the old thinking system that our earth is infinite and so whatever we do, it has an ability to absorb and continue to adapt and evolve for us. Instead, the popular preaching is that we need, firstly, to change, do whatever log ically is necessary to biologically fit into the natural scheme of things. Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development ) What are the biggest problems associated with population growth? Which solutions are currently and potentially effective? Answers must include citations from Garrett Hardin`s Tragedy of the Commons. (I will upload this article. ) As man like the fictional spaceship Enterprise proceeds merrily in its destiny-led travels, great many things have occurred on its wake. Foremost is the concomitant increase in population without a clear sight whether it is heading to infinity or finiteness resulting from its own obsolete moral bearings and perhaps to its own extinction as a species. Garrett Hardin, a moral scientist in his essay The Tragedy of Commons has discussed in length about humanity’s direction leading to disaster without a full awareness of nature’s biological make up as the governing power over everything, including the most intelligent creature mankind. The un-curved human population growth has now forced itself into the human scene, big, magnified, and digitalized, it is hard to ignore the magnitude of the problem. Associated in the population growth is the problem facing mankind sustainability of itself in the hierarchy, as it derives support from the ecosystem. To support the burgeoning population, mankind, in the process, depletes the natural resources around needed to sustain its own life. That is, natural fauna and flora habitats are harmed irreversibly. Mankind left supporting its own priorities for materialism and un-tempered freedom is proving to be the greatest human folly, a grave shortsightedness with a devastating end. The beauty that Hardin’s thoughts come in the provoking curtailing measures by which to ensure the perpetual existence of humanity, perhaps even beyond a cataclysmic biological attack. Mankind, he says, must do some minding. Solution he espouses to solve Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development population growth is the necessary and urgent change in morality, no longer the prudent Puritanical canons of morality closest to Eucharistic ad infinitum ordinance of multiplication. On the other hand, â€Å"necessity to abandon the freedom to breed†¦only so, we can put an end to this aspect of the tragedy of commons,†(Hardin) is the urgent call of the times. Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development 4) Compare and contrast three different methodologies used to monetize environmental benefits. Under which circumstances is each appropriate? In the studies of ecosystem and environmental services, three forms of methodologies are used with similar focus and dissimilar applications. All three are used to estimate the economic use or non use value of certain ecosystem or recreational sites in varying degrees. The Contingent Valuation Method is widely used, and very suitable to estimate the non use or use of remote ecosystems and environmental services. This method obtains valuation contingent on the answers that people give to direct questions asked, versus being observed, which characterizes its weakness and strength, and it is notoriously a costly method. The Hedonic Pricing Method is used in estimating the economic values of ecosystem and environmental services as it affects the market prices. Basically, the method obtains estimate in real figure how much people would want to pay for some enhanced changes in goods or services. For instance, offered access, addition or elimination of a recreational area, improving the quality of a certain recreational site. Another is the Travel Pricing Method. Obtained data based on the actual trip and cost incurred by visitors to see a particular site as validating factor to its economic use value. This method is fairly less expensive and much simpler than the other two. (http://www. ecosystemvaluation. org/travel_costs. htm Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development 5) In what situations is cost-effectiveness analysis most useful? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this methodology? How is it conducted? In every research, cost factor is a big consideration. Researching on situations where the economic nonuse value is being determined, cost effective methods is proving most useful. Contingent Valuation Method known for its high cost is used to weigh between the values of protecting wild species vs. pening the land for commercialization such as for lease. Empirical use of the method has been used in the following studies: Mono Lake Project research is undertaken to know how much water will be provided to Los Angeles coming from sources feeding the Mono Lake, and any decrease would impact the nesting birds in the lake. A study conducted by the Federal Regu latory Commission wanted to resolve the issue of allowing more water to the recreation areas, with a consequential reduction of available water to produce hydropower. The Bureau of Reclamation and National Park Service conducted the study plan and determine how rafters are affected in their recreational activity during the even base flow and the low peak flow. Whether protecting the endangered fish denizens of the Four Corners’ Region is economically beneficial considering the meticulous maintenance, for instance, providing fish passageways and simulated natural flows from the dam essential for the fish survival is the correct project to pursue was the objective of the study. The Salmon Restoration Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development tudy basically wants to determine if destroying two dams that offer no conduit for salmon to jump over to its upstream spawning ground would be a beneficial undertaking, Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development to realize a threefold increase in salmon migration after the demolition costs of the dam between $100-125 million. Advantages of Contingent Valuation Method are its high flexibility to apply to studies on many kinds of non market goods and services, non use or use economic values; existence values, and bequest values; data are easier to describe and analyze; and the method is under constant improvement. The downside of the method are the inherent high cost; skepticism whether it is measuring exactly the people’s attitude to pay for having upgraded the environment; that questions tend to be bias, incomplete, unrealistic; validating the estimates on nonuse values are difficult to do empirically; expensive to conduct because it requires longer time doing the pretests and surveys; and last, its results are not considered reliable by many, including economists, jurists and policy makers. When using the CVM method, it is imperative that a very competent surveyor to handle the survey plan and implementation for reliable data to result, given the many issues surrounding the validity of the method. (http://www. ecosystemvaluation. org/travel_costs. htm) Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development 6) How would you evaluate a CVM study to determine its credibility? Look at all the design variables in detail. Considering the inherent questionable nature of the method, a researcher should initially be highly aware of its inadequacy as a reliable method, and thus improve its chances of getting credible results. Make sure that the survey is well designed and subjected to pretests before implementation. Ask focused and specific questions, preferably giving no leeway for misinterpretation in the minds of the respondents, making the services from the setting distinct and clear. Beforehand, obtain the population’s overall knowledge about the good or service, then select the appropriate survey sample. Depict the event picture using photographs, videos, descriptions personally conveyed, and in multi-media. Ask focused and specific questions to respondents to get clear and valid answers back. Demography of the population should be exact, and validate the questions to ensure clarity is achieved, and ensure that the results are evaluated and interpreted by professionals. Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development 7) What are the four prevalent hyposeses on the cause of world hunger? Explain all four in detail and give your own opinion on the validity of each. Global Scarcity World hunger is so prevalent a condition in countless countries, and it remains according to WHO, â€Å"the major health risk globally. †(Vanderslice). Global food scarcity is occurring primarily because of an unabated population growth. The world population now at 6. 6 billion, statistically and logically, this size of population is un-proportionate to the methods and technology, at present, being used to produce the material sources to sustain this enormous numbers of people. Another parody of the situation is the fact that most density of population is centered in the third world countries, devoid of technological know-how to adequately supply the people. In my opinion Global food scarcity is a hypothesis that is assumptive and prescient. It is said that with the present food production of the industrialized countries combined, it can feed the worlds’ people. While that maybe true, but empirically, we can only see for ourselves the limitations that overpopulation can cause to the environment that sustains it. Land could not be simply used to produce foods, because it has other utilization for houses, grazing land, agriculture, dump, recreation, and other life essentials. 70 percent of the globe is water, and while human ingenuity can develop it for accommodation space, the effect of humungous population remains a doomsday scenario for human species without a sensible, biological plan. Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development Distribution of food resources At present, majority of food is produced with high efficiency in the western world, among the highly agricultural countries with advanced technologies. Though supply is in overabundance, but sending them to the needy countries is as much costly than to produce it. It is reported Great Britain has massive food wastage, precious commodity that can augment life to the starving communities, such as in Africa. But without the additional source of money to fund the transportation cost, the food lay wasted. Without doubt this is happening with food dumped in garbage bins of America. The lopsided situation in food production causes the inadvertent distribution problem, and grave malnutrition among the needy people. 80% poor peoples just consume 14% of the goods worldwide. (Shah). As stated beforehand that cost of distribution is another aspect of hunger problem. Food distribution problem indeed is huge. An attestation that NGOs such as Feed the Children, a worldwide nonprofit organization, actively solicits donations towards food distribution cost Natural Causes When factored in, weather is a whimsical variable in the food production equation. Just about yearly, reports of destruction and devastation occur from regions of the world from natural forces of the weather. Be it abnormal amount of rain, snow, wind, hot temperature and the agriculture easily gets destroyed, registering negative storage facilities to deflect a local or bigger size climate aberration on its food impact on the amount of harvest. Mostly hard hit, are the impoverished nations who lack Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development production. Thus, easily, hunger sets in to affect a mass of people. Weather is a realistic phenomena exhibited by nature. Who could doubt the excessive force weather exhibits at its full force. We have heard and seen the tsunami occurring in Asia and some parts of the globe; onslaught of Katrina in America; and the perpetual drought in Africa. Thus far, there is no known technology that could stop its destructive force except for forecasts that save lives, and nothing to protect the agriculture left open in the fields. Inefficient food production Faddish diets are in, and this causes food production to swing where most consumption is, motivated by financial gain. Diets are of all kinds, and causing confusion to the many. There are those that desist grain-based diets who are abstaining from carbohydrates. While those who sustains on animal products for more protein, consumes more milk, chicken, eggs, and lean meat. Some cultures consume nothing but vegetable diets. For any shift or change in health style, results to a concomitant difference in raising and growing these foods. But regardless of the ways and means, still production remains strenuous to the environment. It is not what is being grown, rather it is the rate of consumption that I believe most affective, and thereby registers negative impact on the environment. What faddish diets demands to produce, has a continuing strain on the environment. If the diet is heavy on animal products, then more animals needs to be Economics, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development raised, and producing them entails, in many respects, costly means such as more farmland to sustain great numbers of herds. From all these hypotheses, the scenario remains that man has to eat and maintaining that appetite and health demands is what strains the ecosystem to the max.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Neuroscience of personality
This paper will deal with the question of whether or not neurosciences and neuroanalyses would provide scientists and researchers with a clue about one’s personality, and why one does the things that he does. Can neuroscience provide an answer to how psychological capacities develop and function in the social world? The paper will also talk about the fact that the nervous system of the human being is confirmed in one’s personality, and that today, it is possible to tackle personality as a scientifically backed concept, rather than as a philosophical mystery that nobody can really comprehend.Neuroscience of personalityMost scientists and psychologists alike feel that personality, and the study of human personality and behaviors occupies a strange and lowly position among the annals of human psychology, despite the fact that the topic of ‘personality’ and ‘traits’ crops up quite often during the course of even a normal conversation between two ad ults.As a matter of fact, the study of personality changes even induces disdain among some individuals, perhaps because of the extremely subjective nature of the subject, and also because of the historical tendency to describe the structure of personality rather than the intrinsic nature of personality. However, with the development of neuroscience over the years, it may possible at last for the study of personality to undergo a ‘scientific makeover’, and to study the human brain through imaging, in the hope that the molecular genetics causing variations in human neuro-transmission would be able t provide an idea into the most pressing questions that exist today on human personality. (Pickering D Alan, Gray A Jeffrey (1990)The question here is whether or not neuroscience would be able to provide the answer to the critical issue of the manner in which a typical human personality develops and functions in the social world. Caspi, Berr and Elder (1989) provide importan t research on the relationship that exists between personality and socio economic conditions, and one interesting example was the personality changes observed in people who happened to grow up during the years of the Great Depression.Most of these people exhibited a tendency to temper and great anger, aggression, short temperedness and so on, and further research revealed the astonishing fact that economic outcomes during one’s childhood would influence one’s personality through the years, and one would show ill temper if one had been economically deprived during one’s childhood. This would also influence their occupational status as they matured, and it was found that those individuals from higher class households would in all probability enjoy a higher occupational status when they were adults, while those who grew up in a deprived atmosphere would display a lower occupational tendency when they were older.Recent research has revealed the fact that within a so cial situation, a human being will at first interpret the situation, before he responds to it, and this in itself would explain the ways in which his psychological capacities develop and function in the social world, rather than a study of the anatomy of the brain as in neuroscience. The importance of a particular social situation may differ from one individual to another, and it is important to remember that many situations do not have a fixed meaning; the meaning would depend on the person within the context.Take for example a situation in which a person tells jokes: while it may be fun for one person, it may be an anxiety provoking situation for another, while for another; it may be some sort of competition. Those personality theorists who work within a psychoanalytic, behavioral, and trait-theory context may find that they are able to successful identify certain principles of personality functioning that would transcend the social circumstances in which the individual finds hims elf, in much the same way that a biologist may make an attempt to identify the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology that would transcend social circumstances. (Pervin, Cervone and Oliver (n.d.)Katherine Kalliel states that in their book ‘Neurodynamics of Personality’, authors Grigsby and Stevens discuss the commonality to be found between personality development and neurosciences and neurodynamics, and she also states that the authors offer the opinion that â€Å"personality reflects the emergent properties of a dynamic, hierarchically ordered, modular, distributed, self-organizing functional system, the primary objective of which is the successful adaptation of the individual to his or her physical and social environment†. (Kalliel, M Katherine Ed.D (2000) This would bring one back to the question, â€Å"Can there be neuroscience in personality?†The answer, in all probability, appears to be ‘Yes’ in today’s situation and gi ven today’s modern research and growing interest in the subject. In my own family, this may well manifest itself in my behavior at times of stress. While it is wide knowledge that stress would cause numerous health problems in an individual, like for example, elevated blood pressure and a suppression of the immune system, it is with the help of neurosciences that this aspect of human behavior has been analyzed, and a solution found.Today, when I feel my stress coming on and increasing because of a particular situation, and I am able to feel my personality changing as a result, I can believe that neuroscience has helped me cope with a situation over which I may have no control, but for the knowledge that it is my own behavior that is elevating the stress levels in my body, and that it is I who must learn to control it successfully. (Navasaria, Neha (1998)This in effect is what neuroscience has been able to achieve, in its research on human personality and on personality change s.References1.Pickering D Alan, Gray A Jeffrey (1990) Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research Google Book Search Retrieved on January 14, 2008 Pervin, Cervone and Oliver (n.d.) Theories of Personality Retrieved on January 14, 20083. Kalliel, M Katherine Ed.D (2000) Neurodynamics of Personality American Psychiatric Foundation Retrieved on January 14, 2008     Navasaria, Neha (1998) The Understanding of Behavior and the Brain Serendip Retrieved on January 14, 2008
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